1st game


Assistant World Cup Sweepstake Organiser
Level 7 Referee
for the past 2 weeks i have had to call off the matches - waterlogged and frozen :mad:. mine was off this morning - both matches were u11s, nice way to ease me in. then, i get a call at 10.10 asking if i could do a game for 11 k.o, but i didnt live far away, so i did. rung the manager again, and said what age group ---- u16! i am only 14! but he said he didnt have a problem with that, so i went along, and did it. didnt let anyone know it was my 1st game, and all went well, apart from one penalty shout, and a few offsides. all in all - very good! and i am already thinking of ways to improve what i did, so it is all going good!
A&H International
Good Lad, welcome to the site. I know how you feel had to call a few off recently despite going a year and a half without calling 1 off.

Out of 10 what would you give yourself on
1) Positioning
2) signals
4) Match control
Thats how i measure if i had a good game, just a quick analysis. Dont be too harsh we are always going to get something wrong and also dont let a team tell you, you were wrong. At the end of the day its what your eyes see not theirs.
Only one thing from me.
You need to be VERY careful. Until you are 16, you have to officiate 2 years younger than yourself. This even includes acting as a club asst ref. You are not allowed to officiate your own age, or older.

Please be careful, as the last thing anyone wants is to lose an official over a careless technicality.

However, welcome to the site. Feel free to ask questions. A good blend of people on here, L4-L9, experienced to v inexperienced.
can I just ask, is that a rule? or guidelines? if so, i wont do any other matches that are less that 2 years younger than me. thanks for the advice anyway. thanks arran for the advice, i have taken that on board. thank you
sorry, but this is what i have found in regards to what you said?
(b) Referees under the age of 16 are eligible to officiate only in Competitions for players aged under 16.
It seems to vary by county, so e-mailing your RDO might be a good idea if you're uncertain. But generally, the rule that Dan said does apply
I got an email recently reaffirming my above point. Please, please contact your Referee Development Officer at your County FA and find out EXACTLY what your County policy is. Out of interest, which County are you?
Be vary careful with age groups - the 2 year rule is there to protect you, so you won't be intimidated by older players and so you won't be subjected to bullying at school (especially if you award penalties/send off players/disallow goals)
Thanks everyone, and sorry for not getting back sooner. it turns out it is all ok, will be a bit careful next time though! thanks