2011/2012 County Registration Fees


Active Member
On other forums referees have stated that referees county fees are going up to £20
I have just looked on The Birmingham County Fa Website and the rgistration form is available to
download. On the form its states the fee for 2011/2012 season is £15..
Does the increase depend on what county fa you are with of have the fa changed its mind on the increase?
A&H International
Has everyone had their re affiliation paperwork yet? I've not had anything from Notts yet
i believe its all going upto £20

The reason for this is to mainly pay for the educational side of refereeing and reshaping of the FAL dept for Refereeing. It'll pay for materials, education events, reading/online materials etc. Currently there is a massive discrepancy in fees for Tutor workforce - some get £xx per training event, some counties only pay mileage. So to bring everything in line and to ensure we have great education avaliable - as with anything - there needs to be funds.
I believe it is an FA directive that fees should increase to £20 nationally, but some county FAs have opten to fund the increase themselves rather than pass onto the referees. I remember seeing it somewhere on minutes from an FA meeting, will see if I can find it.
Just re affiliated online. Makes life so much easier. Cost £20 for the season
Missed out on winning free tickets to Forest v Burnley by 2 though :( I'm not a forest fan, but it'd have been nice to have won them
I believe that last week only a third of refs in my county had registered online. There was a few issues initially but on the whole was simple.
It's a doddle. I always lose my original form so have to request a new one, then forget to send it back, so doing it online makes my life easier :)