2nd assessment (also)


RefChat Addict
So, so far this season has been going brilliant, feeling really fit and getting great feedback from clubs, so every week I've been praying for my 2nd assessment, but nothing.

Woke up this morning with really painful kidney stones,

Today's fixture is a higher league that'll I'll be doing if promoted, got the call that I'm being assessed today as well!!

Bloody typical, start popping the pain killers now, and fingers crossed I get through the game.

If the only thing I get done on today is my fitness I'll be over the moon!!

2 notoriously difficult teams as well, which I'd prefer as my first assessment I had absolutely nothing to do.
A&H International
Well got away with that one today, nailed everything spot on, and as suspected penalised for my fitness and a little bit on positioning ( down to my fitness ) really struggled after 20 mins. Note to self, kidney stones and running don't mix, especially after 3 weeks of illness.

I think I did enough though, the assessor seemed to be really positive, so we'll see.

3 yellows, all clear cut, so nothing wrong there.
Svenny ....Kidney stones .......one of my friends and fellow referees got rushed to hospital with this ailment last month

Docs told him it was down to energy drinks .....that he guzzles 3 plus per day , you dont happen to be into such things do you ?

Now iv suddenly become a Doctor ......? Whats going on ?
No cant stand them!! Unless it had vodka in!!

No I take a (asda) sports drink to my fixture that's IT.

I think it's because I don't drink enough (correct) fluids. Just keep drinking coffee all day at work instead of water
Finally arrived late last night!!

Happy with this one, especially as only a few days before i was in A&£ with kidney stones!!!

2 down 1 to go :)

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Thought I deleted it!! Are you able to do it from your admin position?? Doesnt allow me to edit it with my iphone
Only thing that needed deleting was the competition
From what I was viewing I had *'d out the assessor and team, and left my name and league, so not sure how that stayed on it, I've removed it now and will re edit it!!
1. 1. Application of Law:
2. You arrived early & completed all your pre-match responsibilities efficiently. You differentiated between penal & technical offences and used the correct referee signals. You clearly recognised the difference between careless & reckless challenges. You issued three cautions today, 59th min R6 (kicking an opponent), 85th min W8 (dissent) & 98th min R5 (reckless challenge). On all occasions you correctly isolated the player & used the correct caution technique in a calm manner. Substitutions were managed promptly & efficiently. I was pleased to see you clearly communicate with the trainer when dealing with injuries & if his involvement was not required you stopped them entering the FOP. As discussed, there were some pushes especially in the drop zone which you did not penalise, I feel this was a result of your positioning & I will elaborate in sec 3. For the majority of this game you were consistent in your application of the laws of the game. You managed dissent well by adopting the step approach & only cautioned W8 after speaking to him several times about his conduct. This was a credible display Simon, well done.

2. Match Control:
You use a variety of management techniques which served you well. You always looked in control of this game. Your positive confident demeanour inspired respect from the player. This was a keenly contested game with a goal scored in the 1st min. You awarded your 1st DFK in the 6th min, you slowed the tempo by using the on my whistle command & pacing the 9.15 distance. You made your decisions with conviction & authority. You showed an empathy with the game & communicated with the players in a calm, courteous manner displaying a good level of confidence. I witnessed you using the step approach, as discussed ensure that when you isolate a player to issue a public admonishment you wait until you have his full attention & if they walk away while you are speaking to them that you call them back (43rd min R9). You used proactive verbal communication well at set plays in and around the penalty area & this helped to raise your profile & enhanced your match control.

3. Positioning, Fitness & Work Rate:
You prepared well by ensuring you completed a thorough warm up. Your work rate was consistent & you sustained movement & mobility throughout the game. At times your path of patrol is narrow; this puts you in conflict with the players & the ball & narrows your visual field. To your credit on these occasions you quickly adjusted your position (20th, 32nd, 63rd & 76th min) I would like to see you adjust your path of patrol & avoid taking rest breaks in the centre circle. As mentioned in sec 1, there were several pushes not recognised in the drop zone, at times you positioned yourself a little short & this affected your ability to get an angled view. In the 52nd min there were 2 R players & 1 W player involved in play by the corner flag, you were positioned by the edge of the penalty area, I would have liked to see you squeeze the play & raise your profile by using verbal proactive communication. This would have helped to prevent conflict & given you a better chance to detect an offence & diffuse this potentially volatile conflict. Your positioning on corners & set plays around the penalty area was good, you ensured that you were mobile & penetrated the penalty area as required.

4. Alertness & Awareness, Including management of stoppages:

I witnessed you encouraging prompt restarts by the use of voice & gestures. You gave clear instructions where the throw in’s & free kicks were to be taken from without being overly fussy. You maintained a good level of alertness & awareness & only recorded in your book when safe to do so. Substitutions were managed promptly, as discussed ensure that you adhere to law 3 (off the FOP, on the half way line) & keep the main body of players in clear view. You managed injuries efficiently, quickly establishing if the trainer was required. You ensured that the 9.15 distance was respected by pacing & estimation.
5. Communication:

You communicated with the players in a calm courteous manner, this inspired a level of mutual respect & there was a low level of dissent for you to deal with. I heard you using proactive verbal communication in and around the penalty area; I would like you to increase the use of this especially in open play. Your calm confident body language ensured that you looked comfortably in control. You used the referee signals to good effect. As discussed, ensure that you use a firm straight arm for directional signals. You clearly signalled for IDFK & maintained it appropriately. You signalled early & this caused you to have to get into position for the next phase of play with your arm raised. As discussed, stay alert to the placement of the ball, move into position & then raise your arm. You varied the tone of your whistle well to denote the severity of the offence or to get the attention of the players.
6. Teamwork:

You worked well with club assistants today. You briefed them both together before kickoff. I saw you communicating with then by use of gestures (thumbs up) and ensured that they felt supported. You took time to brief a new assistant in the 70th min. You responded appropriately to their involvement in the game & took time to thank them ensuring that they felt appreciated.
7. Advantage:

You used the advantage clause correctly on several occasions (2nd, 10th, 16th, 50th & 71st mins) On all occasions you clearly indicated by use of arm signals & voice that you had seen the offence & was allowing play to continue. In the 50th min you played the advantage & when you identified that there had been no advantage you stopped play & awarded a DFK for the original offence. In the 71st min you used the advantage clause. At the next stoppage you went back & had a word with the offender W2. This was efficient use of the advantage clause & ensured that when possible you allowed the play to flow.



Very good use of the advantage clause.
Ensure that you consistently recognise & penalise pushing offences especially in the drop zone.
Strong level of match control & player management


Development areas


Ensure that you adjust your path of patrol to avoid getting to close to the play.
(Double Click on the Excel Box below and enter your marks from 1 to 5 in the appropriate box than click on your Word Document to return)

Good use of club assistants


Revise law 3 & ensure all substitutions are managed as per law.
Good report & well done.

The only thing appears from the "cut & paste" used is that Section 1 appears in the strength area (and reads as a development point) while Section 6 appears in the Development area (and reads as a strength). Is this a "cut & paste" error?

A quick thought on the mark - 77 (4's in sections 1-3 & 7; 3.5 (which is standard) in the others).
No that's the way it was cut n paste as couldn't amend the word document on my phone so and to delete the original the when I cut n pasted it it went a bit crazy