4 games in.


New Member
Had game number four yesterday afternoon. U16s friendly match but it was very competitive.

Cracking game, with some real quality goals and nice football being played. One very vocal coach but he didn't cross the line.

Issued my first two bookings.

The first one was for persistent fouling. He gave away three or four fouls in the first half, nothing too serious but they were tallying up. He charged the GK about 5mins into the second half and out came the yellow. He had no complaints.

The second booking went to the away teams GK. He was tackled fairly by a player from the attacking team outside his box, way out by the touchline, (it was a race to he ball, GK got there first before being tackled) the player has got away and the GK has tripped him as he is running towards to the box. I blew for a free kick and issued the yellow card for stopping a promising attack. The decision and card were correct. I possibly should have applied advantage though, the reason I didn't was by the time the GK had ran out his box, been tackled, the striker got away and started running with the ball, the penalty area was loaded with the defending teams players, with only a couple from the attacking tea,. There was still a lot of work to be done to by the attacking team to really benefit from any advantage.

In hindsight, I should probably played advantage. We can only learn though.
A&H International
When I started refereeing my Mentor Told me this & I quote "Every day is a school day"

I took that to mean you never stop learning
All sounds good. Advantage sounds like one of those that you have to be there for but certainly sounds justifiable by your description. Well done, keep self-reflecting and keep going!
Self reflection is always good :)
Use the negative points that come from the self reflection as learning points and learn from them