7-6 Assessment 1


Well-Known Member
Hi all, going to put a couple of posts up regarding assessments. This assessment was in May, and the second one was at the start of this month. In my opinion, I've improved during that time, which I hope the assessments will show..

You managed the game well and showed good understanding of the laws of the game.

I have listed below the key points I noted during the match:

I noted your ability throughout the game to sprint as required to keep up with play and to be in
the correct position to give credible decisions. This certainly helped with the 2 penalty decisions
you had to decide on. I liked the way you were very clear with the no penalty decision and used
your arms appropriately. The penalty which you rightly awarded for the home team was made
easier by your position and good view of the game.

However you need to consider your positioning from dead ball situations e.g. goal, corner kicks
and free kicks. Try and look through the play to the assistant referee and not to turn your back
when marking out the ten yards.

It was encouraging to see you make the away player leave the field of play to carry out a change
of boots and not let him back on until you were ready.

I saw you have a quiet word with players as required e.g. away 3 in first half regarding some
dissent. It was also good to see you identify and deal with the home number 10 when his dissent
became more vocal. The caution was administered correctly and you gave him every
opportunity to stop his comments. When he continued you had no other option than to dismiss
him for a second cautionable offence of dissent. It may be useful to make more use of the
captains when administering cautions of public reprimands as this can put the onus on the
captain to deal with the dissent before you need to intervene.

As discussed in the post-match debrief there are opportunities to create time to think about a
decision when required. At other times a quick decision and correct signal whilst moving away
from the area of the where the offence took place will allow you to create space for yourself.

Advantage - it was good to see you use this on three occasions and to bring it back when
necessary. Try and be louder with your call of advantage.

1 Application of law – it was good to see you deal with dissent appropriately with the use of a caution and to follow this through as required
2 Positioning and movement. Great sprinting ability to keep up with play when needed
3 Match control. Good to hear you use different whistle tones and volume to indicate the seriousness of the offence committed

Development Points:
1 Positioning and movement. Look to take up different positions from goal and corner kicks based on the tempo of the game and the width of the pitch
2 Match control. Try and use the captains more especially when administering cautions
3 Application of law. When playing advantage have a loud clear call alongside the use of your arms to indicate you have seen the original foul

As discussed after the match you should be confident in your abilities and along with the
experience you have gained during this season I am looking forward to seeing you progress
through your refereeing career.

The tips and techniques we discussed will, I am sure, help you in the future.

I know I didn't have the best of games here but the wording of the assessment seems positive. What do we think?
A&H International
Since nobody else has commented Harry, I will. :) Well done mate. From 7 to 6, the basics are (unofficially of course ;) ) application of law and general match control which you seem to have nailed judging by your assessor's comments. Nice one chap. Keep going. :)