A few things


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
A few situations occurred yesterday which I was unsure about, so any advice would be appreciated

- Blue Player sin binned in the second half. 3 minutes into the sin bin, they made a substitution, and the sin binned player took over responsibility of the CAR. I requested that he was removed from this role. Is this correct in law as in my head this constituted him being participating in the game

- In the second half, Blue keeper made a save and clattered into the post. This game was played on an Astro, with goals not in the ground and being a big lad, he actually broke the goal causing it to lean. It was still standing and could be pushed back up straight but if there was any strong wind, it would slope to the side and had to be pushed back. The goal wasn’t unsafe, just occasionally moved. Should the game have continued?
A&H International
A few situations occurred yesterday which I was unsure about, so any advice would be appreciated

- Blue Player sin binned in the second half. 3 minutes into the sin bin, they made a substitution, and the sin binned player took over responsibility of the CAR. I requested that he was removed from this role. Is this correct in law as in my head this constituted him being participating in the game

- In the second half, Blue keeper made a save and clattered into the post. This game was played on an Astro, with goals not in the ground and being a big lad, he actually broke the goal causing it to lean. It was still standing and could be pushed back up straight but if there was any strong wind, it would slope to the side and had to be pushed back. The goal wasn’t unsafe, just occasionally moved. Should the game have continued?
1) I am minded to agree with you albeit I dont think it's in law. But if he gives you jip as CAR then you have nowhere to go but him take no further part. He is able to warm up etc, he just isn't allowed to play so I don't think there is a legitimate reason as to why not other than thay I wouldn't want someone who has already publicly disagreed with me to then be assisting me with decisions.

2) I think this probably falls under spirit of game. If it was safe as you say and both teams happy I think I would play on. If it was becoming farcical or causing any problems then I'd be going home early.
1. Not in law but should be as part of comp rules or whatever rules which requires CAR. One way to look at it is if he was sent of can he be a CAR? Apply the same reasoning for sin bin.

2. In a pro game it would probably stop the game until fixed. At grassroots, common sense dictates keep going and occasionally fix the upright.