A & H Customer Service.....

Sheesh gents!

Any company can close your account - if they don't want your buisness in the same way that you would "NOT give them your buisness" (you close their account with you)

What is written is not good but why go to social media before getting a response - that's sure to upset any company.

EOTD there are a LOT of refs in the country that use Jeff, and a couple less wont kill him.

Personally I think we should all stick behind the RA so buy from them direct. Cheaper than A&H so is a good way to kick A&H's profits.

I think there are a lot of things wrong with how our kit is sold / supplied etc But that's for a different thread.
A&H International
hmm i really want to. will ask a police friend what he thinks.
It's nothing personal mate but don't bother. The police don't have the man power/resources/money/time to deal with something as small as this. Hope it gets sorted but I wouldn't even try the police.

Only speaking from experience :)
HRW i posted his response on his facebook wall! They then blocked me frokm posting and removed my posts.
Referee equipment sales are a knife-edge world. Official Sports lost the PGMO contract and went to the wall. A+H have lost exclusivity on the Nike kit, after several years of monopoly in the market....
Haha all you people saying his response is justified! Are you kidding? It takes two seconds for the original email to be acknowledged. I worked at an extremely high profile accountants and we had to respond to emails or phone calls within an hour. Often people moaning. If I'd responded how this chap did I would have been given the boot. Being a one man band doesn't mean you can act like a tool and ignore customer service and use the firms small stature as an excuse.

With regards to social media this can make or break a firm. But if they had dealt with the initial complaint reasonably he wouldn't have posted it online.

How hard is it to send, dear sir, many thanks for your email. We are currently looking into to this issue and will respond in due course. It's amazing how that will buy you a good few extra days from even the most unreasonable of people.
Referee equipment sales are a knife-edge world. Official Sports lost the PGMO contract and went to the wall. A+H have lost exclusivity on the Nike kit, after several years of monopoly in the market....
Correct Tealeaf. A knife-edge world and an extremely stressful time.

In the past few weeks, A&H have had to deal with every single PGMO referee & assistant referee. Remember that all of these officials REQUIRE their full kit (inclusive of training gear) by the day before their first game. On the whole, they receive it at National Conference. But not always.
The build up to the FL & PL season is the hardest time for A&H, combined with Nike delivering the stock late and not in the required quantities!

I think people need to have a bit more patience. 24 hours is not a long time in terms of a small-staffed company dealing with stuff like this. It is incredibly childish to then proceed to complain about it on Twitter/Facebook.

I personally reckon that had you been a little more patient, you'd have received a far nicer email and, in addition to your already ordered items, a small 'apology' too, in terms of future discount.

That being said, Jeff's email isn't worded well at all and he, as a business owner, should know better about customer service.
It is incredibly childish to then proceed to complain about it on Twitter/Facebook.

I don't agree with this. Sometimes it's the only way people can get a companies attention (big or small) when they feel they are being ignored. It's amazing how much quicker things are dealt with if they feel their credibility is being questioned in a public domain.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion on these things.
If they don't want negative comments on social media then they should simply not have a Facebook page. Response isn't justified what so ever
Not getting anywhere now. Have sent an email through my personal email which he has fowarded to my HR manager saying he is not responding to me anymore.

Dont want to but looks like i have to drop it.
Not getting anywhere now. Have sent an email through my personal email which he has fowarded to my HR manager saying he is not responding to me anymore.

Dont want to but looks like i have to drop it.

Bloke sounds like a prize plum to be honest.
If only i could find an alternative supplier of the many different Fox 40 colours, then i would happily never use A&H again.
As many of you know I run my own business as well. Recently due to work commitments I have not contacted customers / got theirs orders to them. Do I feel guilty and bad HELL YES.

So I contacted them. Saying that I was very sorry for the MASSIVE delay. I said I am giving them 2 FREE products as a sorry. Guess what, they were happy, as they were getting something free, I was happy as I had not lost the order, and they are now likely to order from me again.

As a Commercial Lawyer, Trading Standards might be interested in gross lack of customer service in the way of a non-response; unprofessionalism in terms of Jeff's e-mail; and it may be possible to make a harassment claim to the police.

As a realistic Commercial Lawyer, Trading Standards will see it as sour grapes for an incomplete/late order on your behalf, and at best might send A&H a letter reminding them of their duties to their customers and their duties to uphold professionalism. If your lucky, the police might give you and incident number and thats that.

As a referee and a human (if its possible to be both), send A&H an e-mail saying that you are disappointed with Jeff's response, and leave it at that.

As far as turning to Social Media is concerned, It is accepted as a form of communication and I see no wrong in posting complaints/groans on it.
With out complaining on social media about big companies they find it very easy to ignore the little man. Look at how powerful a tool it is with the poor guy who was sold an awful Porsche and they ignored him pretty much.


Whilst no doubt being let down by suppliers when you have to fulfil orders to such a large and important group is incredibly frustrating but venting your spleen on a customer is never acceptable, had he typed the email, walked away then come back ten minutes later it would have read much better.