Abuse this season?

Cheshire Ref

RefChat Addict
I just wanted to gather peoples thoughts on levels of abuse this season. Have you noticed an increase? I most certainly have and i would go as far to say i have received more abuse this season than my other 8 put together. I have had 4 OFFINABUS red cards, ALL 4 have been to a player i have just sin binned. Is anyone else finding this season difficult or is it just me?
A&H International
I've had one RC for OFFINABUS, which is my first this season and my second in three seasons. I think I've had less sin bins than dissent YC's in previous seasons so far.
i've had 2 offinabus and 2 misconducts for additional offinabus (manager and player) this season

easily my most in a season and we're not even half way through!
My dissent count is much higher, yet I'm happier with my overall handling of games :confused:
1 OFFINABUS for a player.
1 dismissal for a coach.

Not noticeably different and it’s from the usual suspects, ie teams that typically have a discipline problem.
Decreased for me.

Last season we had that spike thanks to the International competitions letting dissent run wild.

At the moment my dissent cautions are down by 5%. We shall see if it stays that way.
No real change in my experience. One RC this season (and only one for OFFINBUS in 5 seasons) for OFFINBUS and so far no sin bins. I think I had ~3 sin bins last season.
Abuse is something I thankfully have rarely experienced or I'm too ignorant to notice.
Not necessarily abuse but I would say I've heard a lot more whinging during games which has increased my dissent card count. Frustratingly I've experienced this with a couple of teams who previously had a good reputation for their behaviour.
I seem to have more moaning and sin bins but less OFFINABUS and the like.

I think having sin bins help because let's say a player makes a silly challenge, gets a yellow, then exhibits dissent.

Whereas previously that player would be sent off, and the team feeling hard done by, they now get a sin bin. They've not cost their team the game but they also get a sanction.

If you combine this with the stepped approach, you'll find more often than not players groaning at the offender and not you.