AC Milan V Atletico Madrid


Active Member
Cuneyt Cakir is coming in for a lot of abuse from Milan over last night. Mainly surrounding an early red card and a late penalty.

The penalty is at 8:25

I must say I find myself agreeing with Cakir. The blue player tries to control it and it touches his hand accidentally imo. The red player then moves his hand towards the ball and touches it, hence that being penalised and a lengthy VAR review confirming it.

A very unpopular decision given the accidental handball not penalised right before it, but ultimately I think he's right. Opinions?
A&H International
This vid doesn't have the goal side camera angle that gives the better picture. The first player touching the ball with hand is the red player. Maybe not deliberate but certainly not natural by football expectation. That touch forces the ball into blue player's body and then hand. Subsequently the red player touches it again forcing it down. Good call for me.

I don't like these decisions because I just don't like the Law, but the ref was entitled (and probably correct) to award the PK. No idea why VAR took so long to reach the same conclusion. Should've agreed with the R within 10 to 20 seconds max as it just wasn't a 'mistake' ffs
I don't like these decisions because I just don't like the Law, but the ref was entitled (and probably correct) to award the PK. No idea why VAR took so long to reach the same conclusion. Should've agreed with the R within 10 to 20 seconds max as it just wasn't a 'mistake' ffs
Havent seen it but 2 points
1) I wouldn't want to send cakir to the monitor for handball. Visions of world Cup where he went to monitor, shook his head and confirmed his original decision.
2) if you're having to look and um and ah about it you just shouldn't be looking at it and moving along.
Havent seen it but 2 points
1) I wouldn't want to send cakir to the monitor for handball. Visions of world Cup where he went to monitor, shook his head and confirmed his original decision.
2) if you're having to look and um and ah about it you just shouldn't be looking at it and moving along.
Gee, it’s almost like you’re saying the VaR should only send it to the R if it’s a cLear error!
I only have the video for the second caution, but it's a very good call IMO. He studs him on the side of the foot, so an easy yellow card decision. Frankly, good spot.

The penalty, I thought was fairly harsh in real time because that ball is bouncing awkwardly into the air. There's one angle which does look like the Milan player is swiping at the ball, but I think it's impossible to determine intent/deliberation from one go. I would say it's just an unfortunate handling, penalty was right but it's one of those I'd feel was disappointing to have to give if that makes sense?
Real shame that the VAR never checked the call. I think the people complaining are right—the VAR really should look at PK calls. . . .oh, wait a minute, that’s what happens on every single PK! Gotta love the former ref, apparently oblivious to how VAR really works, throwing the ref under the bus.