Achilles tendon


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
For the past couple of weeks, the achilles tendon above my left heel has been painful after matches to the extent that i'm limping for a few days after the weekend, just about recovered ahead of the next weekend and then the cycle repeats

the pain has coincided with increasing my match load since christmas, youth games a.m., open age p.m. on Sat with a third game sunday a.m., youth or adult (to accommodate my promotion application). only a handful of games in january and february followed by 16 in march.

i am pretty consistent at warming up pre-match though not so much post-match.

haven't done cold water / ice pack stuff which has been mentioned for other injuries on other threads on here. a friend keeps suggesting strapping it / supporting it for games but that sounds like a recipe for making things worse in the long term

i was kind of hoping that it was simply a case of give it time and my body would adjust but i'm thinking that this is simply an injury which needs rest. keep thinking that i can struggle through to the end of the season but that's still a fair few weeks and games away

any thoughts / advice much appreciated
A&H International
Great exercise for strengthening or stretching the area. On the stairs, stand with the front of your foot/toes in the step and the back of your foot off. (Looking up the stairs)

Then lift yourself up, then down ( just using feet, no hands!). Really good exercise recommended by a physio. Really helped my calf, but a colleague mentioned he used it for Achilles issues.

The cold bath is genius. Really helps with aches and pains. Nearly all my baths are now cold, so rare to have a hot bath!!!

The other thing is simple - rest or at least cut down the number of games. Keep going with 3 games a weekend and you will possibly damage yourself.
Now where in my instructions did you see to do that? Lol

Perhaps I should have included; at the bottom of the stairs.... :D
Exactly the same as you Haywain, in complete agony. Had a game last night, now can hardly walk, gonna have to cancel my Thursday game otherwise won't be fit for Saturdsy!
Spent £300 on physio and acupuncture which seems to sort it on the day, but after that back to pain. I've bought KT tape (YouTube the strapping technique) and calf compression sleeves, it helps a little
My physio gave me two types of stretch to do: a straight leg press and a squat leg press, with toes of other foot on the skirting and both hands on the wall. 30 seconds of each, on each leg, three times each, in the morning. Bloody kills doing it, but really shortens the "agony time" the day after games.
I had similar that seemed to coincide with the ground hardening up. I thought that's what was causing me the issue so bought a new pair of firm ground boots and it's been fine since.
I had similar that seemed to coincide with the ground hardening up. I thought that's what was causing me the issue so bought a new pair of firm ground boots and it's been fine since.

excuse my naivety but what makes boots 'firm ground' boots?
They have fg somewhere in their name/title. usually means they are moulded studs. :)