Advice from todays game


Hi folks,

Just after some advice if anyone is willing to offer it. I have today completed my 6th game and due to other commitments its taken just over a year to do so. I know my profile said L7, but until my call back tomorrow I am a L9 (mods adjust if needed)

Anyway, back to the game today and after last weeks stinker in mini football its safe to say that i was extremely nervous before this game. Not just because of last week but the fact this weeks game saw my Eldest sons new team vs old team, who I actively coach/coached. So you could say I couldn't win.

The game seemed to flow and not much incident to be honest, but a few things that I have thought about since.

I think it was about 10 mins into the game before the first Free Kick was awarded for a HB. Then a good few mins before the next. I even questioned if I let too much go? There were a few challenges that possibly could have been cynical, but i find myself thinking do i give it or not, like when a player is clipped in the back of the legs but then carries on running before losing control of the ball, should i blow up?

I had two lads (both Captains) having a good tussle all the way through and getting tasty with comments like "missed me!", "I wont next time". To which I shouted that I had my eye on it during play. This didn't change much so next break in play, I called them both over and gave a stern talk to that it stops now or I will have to up the action. To which the away captain was moaning, about it being the other lad etc. Was the talk to, the right course of Action or could and should it have been a booking for each? In my mind I'm thinking any other ref would have booked him, But I was his dads co manager before My son swapped clubs and he requested i referee this game as he didn't get on with the other one. This had lead to jokes of me booking his lad in the week leading up .

I don't think the many mini football games have done recently have helped my choices. my Last 11 a side was in July so a while back now. I forgot to look for the linesmans flag on Offside a few times. I found myself watching ball in the air from goal kicks etc, when what i need to watch is on the floor. Then there is the fact i was told after the game that the Away captain was kicking out after challenges when play moved on. That he was also using F&A Language to the opponents.

I have been told by a few people that I handled the game well, but don't recall any handshakes after which made me question how i did also. Does anyone else judge games by things like this?

I would appreciate any advice and tips on todays efforts especially the incidents and the how to get into the habit of looking for afters and linesman.

A&H International
1) You only need to do 5 games and have done for over a year. They have to be 9v9 playing offside or 11v11.

2) if you're nervous about mini soccer then I'm not sure today's game was the wisest choice for you. You're probably better off avoiding games with anything else attached to them.

3) 10 minutes to first offence? It happens. What you need to do is remind the players you are there. So that means being a little tighter on the position of throw-ins, using your whistle for a few restarts where you wouldn't necessarily and maybe making a show of running into the penalty area to give corners/free kicks. All of this is just to raise your profile

4) Player clipped and keeps on running? Blow the whistle and go back for the free kick.

5) Missing offsides? Just get in the habit of looking across.

6) Watching the ball in the air? Keeping your vision level comes with experience.

7) Two players sparking off each other? What you did was preventative refereeing and thoroughly recommended for that age group. It also shows to coaches, players and parents that you're a common sense/educational referee.

8) Missing late challenges/offences? Even Contrib officials do that some time. Just try to leave your gaze lingering at the point from where the ball has been played and you'll soon pick these up.

9) F&A language? From U12? Oh you mean OFFINABUS. Didn't hear it, can't do anything about it. You could however let him know that someone told you about it and you'll be listening out. Again preventative refereeing.

10) Number of handshakes is no measure of your management of the game. Perhaps all the kids needed to get off home

Good luck for tomorrow. Say hello to Mr Grundy if he's administering your exam. You will be fine and will look back at the end of the season and wonder what the fuss was about.
Cheers Brian, to he honest I felt great as soon as the first whistle blew. Just a few bits to tweak and much preferred todays than last week's mini soccer.

Final exam? I'm sure I took this last year and passed with flying colours when did my refs course. So my understanding is its just a chat and discussion of how it's all gone so far?

I think it is Mr Grundy :)
Cheers Brian, to he honest I felt great as soon as the first whistle blew. Just a few bits to tweak and much preferred todays than last week's mini soccer.

Final exam? I'm sure I took this last year and passed with flying colours when did my refs course. So my understanding is its just a chat and discussion of how it's all gone so far?

I think it is Mr Grundy :)
Ah ok so it is the old style "new" course, so you must have completed it before September 2015 :D
Pardon my confusion Brian, old style new?

I completed in October last year but was booked on prior to that if that makes sense
Pardon my confusion Brian, old style new?

I completed in October last year but was booked on prior to that if that makes sense
About 8 years ago my County moved to a practical course and this gradually spread across the country. Some counties were still doing classroom only courses. Last September all counties were obliged to move to a new design of practical course. Hence yours, with the 6 game requirement and exam at the end of the course, is an old style new course.

New style new course, the referees do the course, go referee 5 games, then do their exam and only then are they allowed to call themselves qualified.
Cheers for that.
Yeah did my exam before my 6 games and now going to the callback event tonight. Not sure what to expect from it mind you.