American Soccer System


RefChat Addict
I am going to America in April and would like to referee a match over there to see what it is like compared to here.

Does anyone know how their system works? When the seasons are? Who to contact about it? Etc and also whether my Level 8 counts over there?
A&H International
Make contact with the State association you'll be visiting. They should be able to help you.
Make sure you speak with the FA too, probably easiest through your RDO as they also need to be aware.
Make sure you speak with the FA too, probably easiest through your RDO as they also need to be aware.
Just wondering why does your RDO need to know? It may be a stupid question but I why? I
Technically, to referee overseas you need the permission of the FA, through the County FA, to do so. You are in effect acting as a representative of the Football Association.