Another day at the Zoo!

A&H International
We've all has sh1tty games and outcomes but that's over seasons, to get this every week then there is something wrong!! Some leagues are worse than others!!

Well done for doing your job under difficult circumstances, enough there for any ref at any experienced level.....
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Or what it is with you?

I have never come across any referee that has so many issues in so many games, with so many different teams.
Nothing wrong with me mate I try to ref to the best of my ability every time I cross the white line
We've all has sh1tty games and outcomes but that's over seasons, to get this every week then their is something wrong!! Some leagues are worse than others!!

Well done for doing your job under difficult circumstances, enough there for any ref at any experienced level.....
Thanks mate
Maybe I should look into asking for a mentor

I would strongly suggest asking for one then. There has to be something wrong as this should not be happening so often, perhaps you just need someone to pinpoint this. It may be your tolerance level is too low, but probably more likely you are missing things that are then escalating. I saw this with a referee recently, he was trying to be proactive in talking to players, but every time he did this it was kicking off between other players behind his back. Fix was to move wide to talk to players so that he could then still see most if not all of the other players.
Nothing wrong with me mate I try to ref to the best of my ability every time I cross the white line

With respect you don't know that unless you have someone watch you referee. There may be something wrong, you perhaps just haven't worked it out yet. This isn't just a refereeing thing, it happens in work as well. When I first got a management role I thought I was a great manager, until I got assigned a mentor who pointed out a lot of things that I hadn't even thought about. And why was I assigned a mentor, I later found out it was because some of my direct reports had gone above my head and complained about me.

Refereeing isn't different, you need someone looking at you to know how well you are really doing.
With respect you don't know that unless you have someone watch you referee. There may be something wrong, you perhaps just haven't worked it out yet. This isn't just a refereeing thing, it happens in work as well. When I first got a management role I thought I was a great manager, until I got assigned a mentor who pointed out a lot of things that I hadn't even thought about. And why was I assigned a mentor, I later found out it was because some of my direct reports had gone above my head and complained about me.

Refereeing isn't different, you need someone looking at you to know how well you are really doing.
Ahh never thought about that mate I see where you are coming from.
Not sure about your initial line about guessing....You need to be firmer in that to allow a goal, call it accidental HB, call it not deliberate HB, as soon as you mention guesswork out loud (even though in your head it maybe) then your on a downslope IMO!!
also the fix sec as this was adults told me afterward that he knew this game was going to be fiesty as it was 1st vs 2nd but he didn't expect it to be that much.

Weird, are you a new referee?

Usually expect the referee's officer to assign the more experienced hands at 'fiesty' games and local derbies etc.

You didn't come across Men In Black then?

Just picturing him on the sidelines googling how to deal with the events... :angel:
There are good points here about the possible reason about frequency of problematic games. I particularly like the analogy to managerial role. However I am pretty sure Rusty was not made a manager 3 months into his working life and then put in charge of the most difficult employees in the company (so that he can learn from it).

Sure a more experienced referee in the same games would have had less issues. But the problem seems far deeper than Joe's refereeing ability. There is absolutely no way our appointments officer would put a relatively new referee in charge of a 1 v 2 game without having a referee coach or a mentor present. Not sure how good any of you guys were 3 months into your refereeing but I still had a lot to learn and made a lot of mistakes. But teams who react to my mistake that way were few and far between.

Singling out refereeing skills of a new referee seems unfair to me. I don't expect him to be a top class referee because he is new. Yes he can absolutely benefit from mentoring and get better but for me the much bigger issue seems to be the way his appointments are managed and a poor behaving league who have been allowed to get away with it for too long. Sounds like a place teams who have been kicked out of any other league go to.

My suggestion still stands Joe. Get out of that league and try a new one. See if things change.
I would abandon. They can piss off for all I care. The mens league here on my island folded due to referee abuse. No one here wants to referee their games. Mind you, we are a very small region, we only have 4 mens league teams but its still the same stuff no matter where you are on the planet. I say good job.
Based on the posts you've made in the past weeks I'm narrowing this down to one of 3 possibilities

1) you are on a serious wind up on this forum
2) you need to find a different league to referee on
3) you need to get someone to come and watch you and give you some constructive feedback on your game, perhaps some of the issues are stemming from how you referee.

Yes the posts are remarkably similar to that numpty to reigned supreme in the lunacy stakes about six months ago...

Edit just read above, Man in Black....or, Rocket Man to be more accurate
Get away from adults and spend from now until end of season doing kids, u12/13/14 max, go learn and practise basics, week in, week out until they become second nature, then when you have a grasp of basics, start deveoloping the managment skills, which given your age, you wont have in life yet far less refereeing
I posted only last week how I was hardly looking forward to a fiesty adult amuater game, there is no way someone 3 months in would have been appointed to it, its not even safe for a non streetwise kid to take to the pitch, far less referee it!
If this chap isn't on the wind up, and let's assume he isn't, then the best course of action as suggested above it to get into junior football.

One thing I will say is that alot of people seem genuinely surprised by the behaviour of the players mentioned because it's so much better in the local league's where they're from. That will be the truth and we're all products of our environment. I can categorically say that there are still league's with behaviour patterns like Joe describes, particularly in city centres. There are 2 that I can think off, where the other league's in the area require evidence of several years worth of good disciplinary records from teams to enter, thus ensuring that these teams can't enter and therefore they are stuck in their own cess pit of a league. They are still there and this type of stuff does happen every week in some league's, although the vast majority of league's in the country don't have to worry about this thankfully.
Kids, schools, boys and girls is the answer here

Why someone would try to fly a jumbo jet when they have not yet mastered a kite is poor judgement by both referee and appointment man
Some of his past similar experiences were in junior leagues. Parent and coaches were the worst ones in those.

Get away from that league and if every other referee does the same (most have by the sound of past posts) the league dies a slow death.
If leagues die, kids dont get to play. As referee we service the game. If there is no game, then we have nothing to service
Two way street

Every referee has the tools to deal with most, if not every situation

Its how and when you use those tools that make you the referee, and indeed person, that you are
If leagues die, kids dont get to play.
Not the case. Descent teams will go to other nearby leagues and accepted with open arms. Misbehaved one who have already been kicked out of other leagues are forced to fix their behaviour.

Don't forget, we are only taking about poorly managed leagues here.

Every referee has the tools to deal with most, if not every situation

Its how and when you use those tools that make you the referee, and indeed person, that you are
Every person has arms and legs to swim. Throw everyone into deep waters and see if they can all float or swim. It takes time to learn to swim. Good swimmers blaming those who drown for not being able to use their arms and legs effectively is...

We have debated this before.
If this chap isn't on the wind up, and let's assume he isn't, then the best course of action as suggested above it to get into junior football.

One thing I will say is that alot of people seem genuinely surprised by the behaviour of the players mentioned because it's so much better in the local league's where they're from. That will be the truth and we're all products of our environment. I can categorically say that there are still league's with behaviour patterns like Joe describes, particularly in city centres. There are 2 that I can think off, where the other league's in the area require evidence of several years worth of good disciplinary records from teams to enter, thus ensuring that these teams can't enter and therefore they are stuck in their own cess pit of a league. They are still there and this type of stuff does happen every week in some league's, although the vast majority of league's in the country don't have to worry about this thankfully.
Junior Football is even worse than the adults and I'm restricted as I don't drive so they are the only 2 league accessible to me ... I still enjoy it