Another Promotion Season Another Disappointment


RefChat Addict
Last promotion season I had to pull out due to a severe calf pull/tear.

Last week I pulled out of the current promotion season due to a hamstring pull.

I should be getting discharged by the physio tomorrow, but, I’ve planned for the remainder of November and all of December for training and to get some of the weight that I’ve gained off.

This however means I’m not going to be able to get my games in, so hopefully next promotion season will be the one that gets me my level 5.

It is frustrating, but not the end of the world. I got shot in the left leg in 2007, and ever since then I’ve been prone to little niggles, pulled muscles etc.

But, refereeing wise it’s mainly been my own fault for neglecting my training, so I’ll be hitting the gym more, throwing some weights around, squats etc and hopefully my body will be able to take one or two games a week.

I’m 33 with the body of a 90 year old.
A&H International
Cheers guys.

Just going to ease back into it slowly, and make sure that I stay on top of my training over the off season as well.

I've signed up to do a couple of endurance races next year (10 miles wearing military style boots, trousers and pack weighing 35lbs, aiming to do it in under 1 hour 50 minutes) for charity. One in Colchester in May, and 1 in Catterick in September, so I will have things to motivate me to keep training and not use the off season as an excuse to sit on the sofa and eat burgers
Sorry to hear it mate. Absolutely right. Get the injury sorted..come back stronger. You'll ace the promotion season.
Try running more regulary, slow park runs longer runs during the week and maybe join a running club. Your body will get used to different distances and different intensities. I joined a running club and have been injury free for 4 years and done a marathon as well. I'm not sure weights is what you need to get rid of your niggles. Maybe swim areobics would help more.
Try running more regulary, slow park runs longer runs during the week and maybe join a running club. Your body will get used to different distances and different intensities. I joined a running club and have been injury free for 4 years and done a marathon as well. I'm not sure weights is what you need to get rid of your niggles. Maybe swim areobics would help more.

Thanks, if I don't train the muscles in my leg get weaker, I have a re-occuring knee problem that always comes down to weak quads, and resistance training in general helps
I feel your pain, I've had to pull out of 5-4 this year. Intermittent issues with my ankle meant I had to pull out of one fitness test after around 300m and then couldn't train enough to get my fitness up for the last ditch attempt. Gutting, especially since having dropped out, I've been getting (and kind of nailing!) some fairly tasty appointments in my local step 7 league recently!

I've now elected to basically take December off and try to spend the time I would normally have been reffing with a physio and in the gym. I think I didn't take the "strengthening" step seriously enough last time my ankle went, so I've constantly had low-level soreness after pretty much every match since, but it's the tendency to regularly roll it that I'm sure isn't doing any good!
48 yrs old here. ACL reconstruction both knees (one skydiving, one playing soccer/football), 6 screws and plate in L ankle (soccer), torn quad (soccer), MCL couple of times (soccer), plus a bunch other injuries that dont impact running (wrist, couple of fingers keeping, rib, stitches, etc). When I turned 40 it was like flipping a switch. Never pulled so many muscles playing and prior to that rarely ever pulled anything. Pulled groin, hammy, calf tears, now my achilles is a hassle. Passed the fitness test couple of times now. I haven't pulled anything now for a couple of years. Dropped some weight (used MyFitness Pal App) and run regularly. I'm 5'9/180 lbs. I also swear by high quality compression gear (shorts for hammy/groin and calf sleeves). They helped quite a bit. I got them off of Amazon here in US. Looks like in UK - https://www.skins.net/uk/men/compression/shorts.html and these https://www.skins.net/uk/men/accessories/calf-tights-sleeves.html
I do wear compression shorts, but they're just your normal Nike ones. Will have a look at the skin's ones though.

I think losing some of the poundage will help as well as resistance training, and building my running back up.