The Ref Stop

Anthony Taylor

Obviously the West Ham goal should not have stood, however in relation to the penalty I still cant make my mind up for definite. To be honest after seeing the footage various times I think I agree with Anthony Taylor. Whilst Adrian has got the slightest of touch on the ball he has not dispossessed Flanagan and has brought him down in the process. He clearly touched but did not win the ball. Therefore for me probably a pen!
The Ref Stop
I was agreeing with @Pierluigi I gave freekick in a game today where I had a player get the ball but then with the follow threw caught the player as well and as I'm Liverpool fan as well I'm not being biased but west ham goal should not of counted and as super said on couple of pages credibility out window on that one
Possibly the most ridiculous referee in the game today.

How the **** can he overrule the lino who has clearly seen Mignolet being slapped in the face? How is the ref supposed to see through fifteen players?

Stupid refereeing at it's best. Anthony Taylor for you.
For me he got all the big decisions correct. Carroll was pushed by Skrtel into Mignolet.
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Well a lot of ppl are having opinions yes no maybe so let's try and get it on paper what you really think.
Having only just watched it, I'm not sure that the West Ham goal is as big a mistake as people have suggested. Does Carroll catch him? Yes, but it shouldn't have been enough to make Mignolet drop the ball, soft goalkeeping but just about a foul. I'm not quite sure what he thinks he saw to overrule the assistant though.

There's no way that the second goal was a penalty though. Adrian clearly gets enough of the ball for it not to be a foul and Flanagan was already going over. Not impressed. I'm not for a minute suggesting that there's anything sinister in this, but I can't quite believe how many penalties Liverpool have had this season and in the last few weeks in particular. I just hope the game next week is decided by the teams and not refereeing decisions.
I think it is Carroll catching the arm of the keeper also. You can't challenge the keeper with your arm in the air like that. At least not in this age of keeper protection!
Shocker for me. I agreed with Neil Lennon :eek: That was a penalty - Adrian did not play the ball away, it's been toe-ended past him, slight touch, Flanagan has a chance to collect the loose ball and is tripped.

Sam has an apoplexy if that is Mignolet on Carroll and is not given. More one-eyed than a pirate.
How anyone can say that Carroll didn't foul Mignolet is absolutely beyond me.

as for the penalty, i've "seen them given". as a goalkeeper i'd hope that the contact i made with the ball would go in my favour. however if you watch the video Adrian makes a grab for Flanagan's legs with his left hand and that probably helped to convince the ref.
absolute nonsense. Skrtel clearly tries to block Carroll off, but is unsuccessful. Skrtel's actions don't cause Carroll's arm to contact Mignolet's face and arm.
i'm sure we have plenty of Liverpool fans but i'm not one of them.

explain to me how Skrtel's action causes Carroll to slap Mignolet? he's jumping towards the keeper and leading with his arm before Skrtel gets anywhere near him.

I'm done. Carroll already has two yards on Skrtel when he assaults Mignolet. I'd hate to have you ref a game I'm involved in. :rolleyes:

Take off those red tinted glasses for a minute. Yes, it was a foul, but it certainly wasn't an "assault".
i'm sure we have plenty of Liverpool fans but i'm not one of them.

explain to me how Skrtel's action causes Carroll to slap Mignolet? he's jumping towards the keeper and leading with his arm before Skrtel gets anywhere near him.
Look at the second replay on match of the day. Carroll put his arm straight up in the air, a natural position to propel yourself. Skrtel pushed him which changed the angle of his whole body and it is a reflex to try and regain balance which makes it look as though Carroll has slapped Mignolet.