Anyone know this London referee?


RefChat Addict

Because he needs a quiet word. Getting decisions wrong happens, but to simply let the players throw/kick/push each other all over the place is unforgivable.
If you can't be bothered watching the whole thing, watch 2:30
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A&H International
We all know it's hard to be a referee at times but this video clearly shows that some cards are needed and I haven't seen any cards being issued. All the ref needs to do is issue a few yellow cards during the game so that the players realise that they can't get away with these type of challenges and you will find that less of these type of challenges will happen during the game because the players don't want to get sent off. Players only constantly make bad challenges if they are not dealt with appropriately.
2.30 straight red.

Probably someone on here who believes he is 'managing the players' or has the 'temperature of the game'.......or other such nonsensical guff that allows him to justify not bothering to do the job properly.
2.30 straight red.

Probably someone on here who believes he is 'managing the players' or has the 'temperature of the game'.......or other such nonsensical guff that allows him to justify not bothering to do the job properly.
I totally agree. Red card. No doubt about it.
Man alive that was awful for many reasons. That two footed challenge that the ref let go though? :eek:

sunday league football eh?
I recognise the referee - and a few of the other referees on the other videos - unfortunately this is an 'Essex' referee keeping our good name going ..!

The ref does caution later in the game - better late then never ;)

It looks as if the players aren't surprised by the tackle and lack of action by the referee - as if it happens every week
It was very nice of the oppo to let the un-used sub of the other team play for them in the 2nd half ... friendly bunch :)
My favourite bit was the attempt at simulation by the blue 28 on 7:55! His team mate appears to buy it and charges in to shove the opponent back (not sure I can say "back" when there really is nothing to retaliate to!)
Where do I start?

Absolute shocker on 2:30, how/why the ref let it go is beyond me...mistakes happen though. What I find more worrying is the total lack of action over the constant pushing and shoving, particularly the nonsense towards the end. There's no way he didn't see that, he just totally ignored it.
Man alive cannot even take a quick car journey without chaos erupting. :)

Enough lads. I have removed all the posts which were just bickering or no longer relevant now the bickering posts are gone. Back on topic please.

Next one to add a post which carries this on gets a thread ban.
2.30 straight red.

Probably someone on here who believes he is 'managing the players' or has the 'temperature of the game'.......or other such nonsensical guff that allows him to justify not bothering to do the job properly.

On how not to tempo manager!
I quite enjoy watching some of their videos, and there have been a few occasions that left me wondering if a caution had been missed whilst the camera was off or somthing.

I'm certainly not the greatest ref in the world (as my last game showed), but I like to think that I'd have dished out more than one yellow if similar things happened in one of my games (I think my ref sec is going easy on me as a newbie, because the worst thing I've had is some mild dissent).

I think that if the ref had dealt with the first foul on the orange player then maybe the rest of it wouldn't have been necesarry, his inaction seems to have given the players the impression that anything goes.

However, that being said, it's easy for us to sit here and critise the ref after the fact.
Aside from the horror two footer, I was annoyed by the guys positioning. Get wide man! and at least try and make an effort to follow fast breaks!

In a more positive manner - the ref seemed to have a very relaxed attitude during play and during restarts liked to be reassuring close to players!