The Ref Stop

Appealing a S6


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
Today's game, blue vs claret...
Blue player starts getting cheeky with me and after a while I had enough and told him to watch his language. Not a minute after that, blue player in claret PA, tries to shoot to goal misses the ball completely, while challenged by defender, theatrical dive, and I blow the whistle before anyone can shout penalty.
Going towards the player(caution earned now) claret asking why it was a penalty... Its not its your free kick.. Blue player start effing and blinding and then it throws the C bomb... Yep called me a CHEAT. Easy red all day long.

After game, in clubhouse waiting to get paid, this blue player says to me he his a ref himself and he's going to appeal the sending off, and he's got the whole match video recorded.
Had to maintain a straight face, while telling him he did not have my permission to be filmed, and his outburst has earned him a misconduct report.
Should have I said to him you can't appeal a S6, unless in case of mistaken identity? I asked him his name and it appears correct on the team sheet.
The Ref Stop
Few things

Age group?
How far from the "foul"?
PM me his name
How did he video it AND play?
He doesn't need your permission, it's a public place. If it was a Juniors game, then that's a different matter.
He can appeal an S6 and he doesn't need video evidence. He just needs to prove you were wrong in law.
@Brian Hamilton
Open age
About 5 yards
I don't know how he did that.
Pitch was in club grounds so not a "public" place, only a place open to public, and he still needs permission.
Unless CFA have changed the discipline rules, only appeal he has is mistaken identity. Which is not the case here as he's given correct name.
@Brian Hamilton
Open age
About 5 yards
I don't know how he did that.
Pitch was in club grounds so not a "public" place, only a place open to public, and he still needs permission.
Unless CFA have changed the discipline rules, only appeal he has is mistaken identity. Which is not the case here as he's given correct name.
Open age - check
About 5 yards - check
I don't know how he did that. - no surprise
Pitch was in club grounds so not a "public" place, only a place open to public, and he still needs permission. - no he doesn't, there is another thread doing the rounds where photography guidelines issued by The FA have been linked. He doesn't need your permission.
Unless CFA have changed the discipline rules, only appeal he has is mistaken identity. Which is not the case here as he's given correct name - hmmm, seems that there is a change this season and you cannot appeal wrong in law for S6. How interesting and exploitable.
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How can a ref be wrong in law issuing a S6? If the ref doesn't know who said what, then I can understand it.
But this player shouted it in my face, and reiterated it later in clubhouse full of players.
I remember reading that S6 and S7 cannot be appealed, but I can't find the document.
@Brian Hamilton the thread title reads "APPEALING A S6" so yes S6 as in OFFINABUS.
In the case of a claim of wrongful dismissal for offences with a penalty imposed under
the Laws of the Game of an immediate dismissal (excluding Law S6, the use of offensive
or insulting or abusive language/gestures
or S7, receiving a second caution in a game),
evidence upon which the claim is founded, which must include a video cassette recording/
DVD showing the incident, if one is available, must be submitted by the player concerned
and his Club, together with the relevant fee and MUST be received by The Association
by the close of business of the fourth working day following the match (as below*).
P.S. in regard of photography, the FA might have their own regulations, supported by CFA, but as an individual, I have rights protected under the civil laws.
So if the ground is not in a public place, anyone needs my permission to film me. End of.
How can a ref be wrong in law issuing a S6? If the ref doesn't know who said what, then I can understand it.
But this player shouted it in my face, and reiterated it later in clubhouse full of players.
I remember reading that S6 and S7 cannot be appealed, but I can't find the document.
@Brian Hamilton the thread title reads "APPEALING A S6" so yes S6 as in OFFINABUS.
Read my reply, I said you cannot appeal for wrong in law for S6. I found the FA Handbook and it excludes S6 for wrong in law. Read my post.
@Brian Hamilton think for a minute how the British legal system work, now add the law of the land, and for good measures add tort law.
Also I am rather surprised as an ex referee, and as a observer/tutor, with all your experience, something like this have slipped your knowledge.
@Brian Hamilton think for a minute how the British legal system work, now add the law of the land, and for good measures add tort law.
Also I am rather surprised as an ex referee, and as a observer/tutor, with all your experience, something like this have slipped your knowledge.
Ha ha ha ha ha, I ask you again, which civil law is broken when someone takes your photograph. Britain has no privacy laws. English common law has recognised no general right or tort of privacy, and was offered only limited protection through the doctrine of breach of confidence a "piecemeal" collection of related legislation on topics like harassment and data protection.

So which law of the land would you like to quote? Also Tort law, that would be

"A tort, in common law jurisdictions, is a civil wrong that unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act, called a tortfeasor."

So tell me, what loss or harm have you suffered from having your photograph taken? Do you have some sort of contracted image rights that prevents the taking and distribution of photographic images of your person? Have you suffered harassment as a result of your image being captured.

As an ex-referee, observer and tutor of REFEREEING, why would I need to know the law on the taking of photographs at an open age football match. Have FIFA/IFAB expanded into case law and statute now? I think not. Google on the other hand is my friend.
@Brian Hamilton never mind the photography guidelines. I knew that you can't appeal an S6, and a more senior referee, confirmed it. Only you seemed unaware of the fact.
Oh and on a more personal level, could you post stuff without belittling other fellow referee?
We get enough of that week in and week out, certainly there is no need from other in this forum.