Back at it 😬


Evening all,

Just a quick message to settle nerves, clarify things iny own head etc.

I've been away from Reffing since Dec 16 after a really bad game and the fact I manage kids football too, so easier to devote to that over Reffing

Anyways I don't have a referee tomorrow and as I'm registered I'm back at it tom. This week, the nerves have taken a toll so to speak. Nervous pounding heart, headaches.

I seem to remember small pitches meant hearing parents more. So left with a few questions as it's mini soccer.

Should I kit up, or just wear my normal black shorts and shirt for my team attire, like others do? Would it put added pressure on me if I make a mistake or 3 as I'm rusty. As I'm qualified and that would be visible to parents. Whereas if I just wear my normal training gear, a mistake hear or there might make things easier for first game back.

Then theres the game stuff.....

Do I blow to start all plays, GK,Corners, FK etc.

If ball goes out for a throw, can the game end?

What if I I can't see clearly enough where ball come off if they have back to me for a GK corner or throw etc.

I was hoping my laws would have been here by now so looks like gotta cram tonight online, but might not get it all done.

Apologies if it's a ramble... Nerves kicking in now 😬😬

A&H International
Dont over use your whistle, use it when you have to, free kicks, penalties, kick offs.

The game ends when time is up no matter where the ball is.

Give what you see, if you're ever really unsure i always go with the defending team.

Dont get involved with discussions on the line, tell them you have made your decision and move on.

Smile, be confident and enjoy.
Wear your uniform - it sets you apart from dad refs and gives you a modicum of additional credibility.

Only blow where the restart is not clear (when awarding it). Most of the time a loud shout and a wave of the arm is enough to get the game restarted. Use the whistle for attacking free kicks within 25 yards of goal. If you can't see the last contact clearly before the ball goes out of play, make an informed guess based on your experience of football and physics. Also look for clues from the players. If the defenders head into the penalty area to get ready for a corner, award a corner. If the attackers, move away from goal, then it's probably a goal kick. As far as throw-ins are concerned, get someone else to indicate ball in/out of play and go with their flag. If they don't know, give it to the defending team.

Just go out and do your best.
Thank s guys. The only thing i forgot to mention was it was an U10 game tomorrow. so In/Outs etc wouldn't really work.

I'm hoping that if i get a good game, I will get the bug again that I had before the disastrous game last time out