Open Age Ball thrower

Flip flop

New Member
During a minor melee yesterday, in which the two teams confronted each other over a foul (caution for foul), as they separated into their respective groups, one player had the ball in his hands and lobbed it, underarm towards the retreating opponents, hitting one of them on the head. Was not a forceful throw, but caused round 2 bust up! Went for a caution for thrower, wasn't violent or excessive force, just to annoy really. Got a load of stick cause they wanted a red card. Doubting myself now!
A&H International
You've answered you own question there "wasn't violent or excessive force".

Cation for unsporting behaviour, carry on.
You've answered you own question there "wasn't violent or excessive force".

Cation for unsporting behaviour, carry on.
Couldn't have put it better myself. Welcome to the site by the way :)
That's what I thought (hence why I did it!) but started to doubt myself with how vocal they were after the match (which they won)...
Cheers @Ross :D

Suppose having stalked the forum for a few weeks I'd better do the decent thing and introduce myself on the relevant thread....
What if a player throws a rock at you/someone, but not with excessive force?
Bit different though isn't it - a ball is part of the match and cannot be guilty of attempting to cause injury unless thrown with excessive force equalling a red.

A rock would need to be specifically sought with the intention of causing injury no matter how hard thrown, so even if missed would be red.
I suppose it's the never-ending "you have to be there" cliche, but from what was described, the ball was thrown with intentions to hit the opponent, it successfully did, and therefore is violent conduct.
A rock would need to be specifically sought with the intention of causing injury no matter how hard thrown, so even if missed would be red.

Loving the way you've made that sound like you've lifted it straight from the interpretation of the lotg :)
Loving the way you've made that sound like you've lifted it straight from the interpretation of the lotg :)

But it has the "I" word - intent, aren't we always told that we can not just what the intent it - be it of a player's tackle, gesture, or the intent of the rock.

I might have seena pretty rock as i'm runing around, picked it up but then decided that I have enough rocks and in my attempt to dispose of said rock I let it from my grip in a controlled manner, towards the touchline - at which point someone come in with a flying header and head butts my rock.

Was my INTENT to hit the player? Y / N / M

Did I hit the player (or was it player to rock like ball to hand?)?

And would I get a YC / RC?

Now, off to my rock collection .....
This is where 'if in the opinion of the referee' comes into play!

He is the soul decision maker as to whether you threw your rock at said play or said player Zenidine Zidanned your rock