Best complaints you've ever recieved from an aggrieved team...

Don't be silly @RegalRef all the scouts are there to watch their kids because they're clearly the next Ronaldo ! And the manager is blatantly on par with Mourinho.
... To be honest the way some parents go on they genuinely think their child is second to none. I hope one day when I'm all grown up I don't act like this. I mean it's fine to have aspects for your children but sometimes the rose tinted specs are a little too powerful I think.
A&H International
In my parent/spectator days (son played U10) i knew of a team where a manager made his son(under protest) the goalkeeper and they were losing cricket score games. But the manager was so proud his son was goalkeeper.
They qualify as a manager?

I thought they just turned up one day in a tracksuit with a pen and clipboard and made their kid captain 'cause they couldn't get in any other team? :confused:

I don't want to derail this amusing thread, but 'just like referees', there are good coaches / managers and there are poor ones.
Managers for all Chartered Standard Clubs have to have at least their FA Level 1 coaching badge, which does give them some competency to coach the children.
Similarly with CARs - leagues and county do run courses, which clubs are encouraged to send parents / managers on to learn about the laws - and how to run the line!

As someone who has played adult football for 25 years, managed youth teams (yes my sons played, no they were not captain!) and qualified as a referee last year, I do get annoyed when volunteers are being maligned by the one person who is actually being paid to be there on a Saturday / Sunday morning!

Sorry - rant over...!
I don't want to derail this amusing thread, but 'just like referees', there are good coaches / managers and there are poor ones.
Managers for all Chartered Standard Clubs have to have at least their FA Level 1 coaching badge, which does give them some competency to coach the children.
Similarly with CARs - leagues and county do run courses, which clubs are encouraged to send parents / managers on to learn about the laws - and how to run the line!

As someone who has played adult football for 25 years, managed youth teams (yes my sons played, no they were not captain!) and qualified as a referee last year, I do get annoyed when volunteers are being maligned by the one person who is actually being paid to be there on a Saturday / Sunday morning!

Sorry - rant over...!

Geeze Louise.

I missed the part where I said all coaches were bad.

Come on-does every joke have to be spun into some serious slander on one part or another?
You get called about being reported? You get reported?
Here in the US the only time we know how "bad" we were is at an end of the year meeting.

Referees committee decided that if a referee was marked under 45 a letter of explanation had to be sent in to explain why. Several clubs have been charged with making 'frivolous and vexatious complaints' which has stopped clubs moaning for the sake of it, clubs with genuine grievances still complain and have the matter resolved properly, both for them and the referee, which is what we're about in fairness
Had a good one this weekend, sloping pitch towards one of the goals and a MASSIVE wind blowing towards that goal. So needless to say there were thunderbolts to be had shooting at that goal. Red v blue. Blue wins the toss and change ends so they are shooting up hill and into the wind in the first half. I was surprised, but the skipper said his manager said it would be better to have the wind and slope in their favour for the second half when the game was there to be won. Anyways first half reds smash in 4 worldies from 20 yards plus each time with that wind. Second half starts and the wind has in some weird way managed to change direction. Blue manager and skiper both approach me asking if they can stay the same end as the first half so they get the benefit of the wind. I thought they were having a laugh, till I said no and the manager has a right moan talking about it being unfair and how are they meant to wind playing against he wind for 90 minutes. I just shrugged my shoulders and told him to put a report into Mother nature on this one!
Had a good one this weekend, sloping pitch towards one of the goals and a MASSIVE wind blowing towards that goal. So needless to say there were thunderbolts to be had shooting at that goal. Red v blue. Blue wins the toss and change ends so they are shooting up hill and into the wind in the first half. I was surprised, but the skipper said his manager said it would be better to have the wind and slope in their favour for the second half when the game was there to be won. Anyways first half reds smash in 4 worldies from 20 yards plus each time with that wind. Second half starts and the wind has in some weird way managed to change direction. Blue manager and skiper both approach me asking if they can stay the same end as the first half so they get the benefit of the wind. I thought they were having a laugh, till I said no and the manager has a right moan talking about it being unfair and how are they meant to wind playing against he wind for 90 minutes. I just shrugged my shoulders and told him to put a report into Mother nature on this one!

ALWAYS play with the wind first half for this reason - albeit safe to assume the slope won't move during the game :)
Yup when I was chatting to the blue skipper waiting for the other captain to walk over I said I assume you'll want to be shooting towards that goal first half. He said no. I was pretty confused. I've seen it happen before myself. Plus the thing was the wind was so strong at that point the keeper had no chance with the shots as it was like being on the beach and kicking one of those cheap plastic balls.
Blues vs Reds. Two blues and one red running for the same ball. Both blues are ahead of the red but he is faster than either of them so one of the blues has a good look over at the red and the steps into his path and more or less stops, preventing him from reaching the ball which was still about 5m ahead of all of them.I blow for the free kick and the blue player shouts "what!? I was just stopping his run!!". Exactly!
Sent a bloke away from the pitch yesterday... Blue v green U18s - blue player goes down injured, blue team have the ball. Manager is shouting put the ball out - blue player decides to keep going and plays a superb ball down the wing so I say fair enough play on... Ball goes for a corner and all I can here is one of the spectators screaming at me saying I should have stopped the game ?!
I lost my temper and bit and shouted - "who's player was down ??!!"
"Erm... Ours"
"Who had the ball last ?!"
"Erm... Us"
"So since he didn't have a head injury who's responsibly should it have been to put the ball out ?!"
"Erm..." Then the manager intervened and said "yeah ours ref you're right"
Just as I thought the situation was done he decides to call ME an idiot... "Yeah see you later matey ! Bye bye - enjoy the long walk to the car park and while you're there tell me all about what a terrible ref I am"
Home manager: "f**king thanks very much chris you've just cost us a fine - sorry ref"