Birmingham is a Muslim only city!

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The avuncular one
There have been some horrible things happen in the world recently. Sympathies with those affected by recent events in Paris. A tragedy. It's heart breaking that such events happen in this world which we are told is civilised.

Fox News in the usa, however, doesn't fail to take the opportunty to try and stir up anti-Muslim BULLSH@T with it's far reaching, but essentially nonsense, sensationalising propaganda crap. For shame. For shame.

A&H International
Oops, they did it again, I share with you a subtitled video of french tv show "Le Petit Journal"
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Fox News is the Daily Mail of American News networks. Some of the views expressed by our the country we have such a special relationship are scary.

Take for instance the reaction that Piers Morgan faced for having the audacity to claim that America has got it's gun control laws all wrong. Scary place.
But I thought it was? Last time I went I got turned around on the M6 by some blokes waving black flags? :D

The Yankee media eh. Nothing like it
Take for instance the reaction that Piers Morgan faced for having the audacity to claim that America has got it's gun control laws all wrong. Scary place.

All a matter of opinion and perspective.
I happen to think that Piers Morgan is a typical media-luvvie liberal berk and that the USA has it's constitution (and it's gun laws) absolutely spot on. In Britain, criminals have guns whilst the law-abiding have nothing.
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