Blood pressure test


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
So I’m guessing the only way to fulfill the blood pressure requirement for the fitness test is either pay for a private GP appointment or somehow negotiate the gauntlet of NHS GP triage and persuade them to use public money on it?

Any other alternatives would be welcome! Pharmacists count or no?
A&H International
I think most get it done at a pharmacy, from looking at past threads.
The 'on the day' document says 'A Pharmacist is able to take your blood pressure reading, but the form MUST still be authenticated as above.'
This may be a stupid question, but why do they take blood pressure for a refereeing fitness test? I get if it's too high/too low you shouldn't take the test, but is there any other purpose of the blood test in just actually being deemed fit?
This may be a stupid question, but why do they take blood pressure for a refereeing fitness test? I get if it's too high/too low you shouldn't take the test, but is there any other purpose of the blood test in just actually being deemed fit?
While having mine done last year, I had a heart murmur detected, which turned out to be aortic valve regurgitation and has consequently caused an aortic aneurysm, and I'm now on the waiting list for heart surgery. Without the need to go get checked every year, I'd have carried on blissfully unaware and I'd probably be dead by now.
While having mine done last year, I had a heart murmur detected, which turned out to be aortic valve regurgitation and has consequently caused an aortic aneurysm, and I'm now on the waiting list for heart surgery. Without the need to go get checked every year, I'd have carried on blissfully unaware and I'd probably be dead by now.
Had mine checked in preparation for a test a looong time ago and was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and later developed atrial fibrillation. End of "proper" refereeing career and start of 16 years of medication since then. My advice to anyone, if you experience any form of irregular heartbeat during training or a game, get it checked out. You might not be able to get to the level you want, but at least you'll still be around.

I managed quite a few years as an Observer, Tutor and attended several tournaments across Europe before deciding to call it a day. Back to being just a speccy, but I might not have been around if I'd not had my condition checked.
This may be a stupid question, but why do they take blood pressure for a refereeing fitness test? I get if it's too high/too low you shouldn't take the test, but is there any other purpose of the blood test in just actually being deemed fit?
For some people passing this fitness test might push their heart to 95%+ of it's work rate capacity.

So if you have any obvious preexisting issues going into the test, there is a chance it will be picked up by a blood pressure check (as others got picked up on above).

Potentially saving a cardiac arrest or other issues.

Also your blood pressure can be high if you're unwell. Another reason to not take the test.

So cynically it covers the people holding the test and morally it stops you from potentially kicking the bucket should you take the test.