Bloody Weather!!!


Next Weeks Ref
Saturday and Sunday game both been postponed already :(

Was really looking forward to Sunday as well: cup quarter final between the two favourites to win it!

A&H International
Hehe sorry! I officiate matches every afternoon or evenings just to stay fit. I have a PET coming up soon. If I fail ........ hehehe
Sorry to hear that herts. That back bedroom needed papering anyway!

Weather is horrid down here in Wales. Hoping to get at least one of the games played that I have arranged for the weekend.
It's blowing a gale here right now. My local pitch was a bit soggy today, not holding out much hope of games being on tomorrow
Council called them all off down here because of waterlogged.

I'm most gutted about the cup game. I hope I get allocated the same game when the date is confirmed!
Yay. Cup game been rescheduled and I have been appointed again. That's the game I was looking forward to. Let's pray for sunny skies in two weeks time. Although I have a feeling we are due snow at some point!
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Gales, hailstorms, sleat and snow and blumming freezing. Reffed 2 games today, first went to extra time and the second was cut short at the request of the managers as it was soooo cold. Was reffing near the Queensbury area of Bradford which is renouned for being the highest & coldest place on earth!! No kidding, my whole legs were going into cramp and spasms. Would have considered abandoning but the teams had paid out £80 for a 4g pitch!!!