Breakaway European League.

Agreed. The whole thing over the next few weeks will show us exactly where football has arrived at - as if we didn't already know to be fair.
I don't like the idea of this European Superstars League any more than anyone else, but, as I read on a different forum last night ..

More food for thought ... ;)
Yeah it's a bit much coming from Sky and F365, betting money cough
A&H International
Feels like it's more than just posturing from the clubs and that it's by far and away more advanced.

The lawyers are going to have a field day. You've got leagues threatening to expel clubs, FIFA threatening to ban players from representing their country. Government in the UK is looking at whether they would refuse to grant the necessary policing and medical cover for games to take place. You could also see license laws being withdrawn for these nights making them booze free.

You've also got the broadcasters who have paid for TV rights for the big leagues and Champs league. With all due respect, a big part of the reason they pay the big bucks is for the Man Utd v Man City games or the like. If they get expelled from the league, all of a sudden the allure of the big games is less, meaning fewer subscribers.

All in all a massive can of worms!
They can destroy the pro game as much as they want. My hope is that grassroots football lives and that's where the game belongs.
Possibly, I wouldn't mind seeing the Champions League replaced by UEFA with a Super League format. But it would have to be properly sanctioned with promotion/demotion and no ceding's or bias like that
(In recent seasons, it's not been uncommon to see 33/1 shots in the Premier League, which is preposterous)
That would allow me to ignore the flavour of football I most detest whilst returning the remaining EPL to some sort of level playing field

I'm not sure I care though. As time marches on, I can see me supporting a local team on the pyramid.
Where is the FIFPRO and the other players' reps?

I'd like to think the players in the Premier League might have something (negative) to say about it all, but as mentioned earlier, most of them don't hail from here and frankly why should they give a monkey's about the future of English football? They're only here for the money ...
The one thing about all 6 of the English clubs, is that they are owned as a part of billionaire's business portfolio. They want to make as much money from them or inflate their value to sell them on. As others have said, this is all about money.

The fastest way of UEFA and EPL to stop this is with scheduling of matches. None of these 6 teams will wan to play on a Sunday evening when they have Super League match on the Tuesday! Also 18 midweek league matches won't allow UEFA to schedule World Cup or Euro qualifiers... if they go ahead with it, put the matches in and see which part of the squad they want to play.

It could be like Packer's Cricket Circus in the 1970's - has-beens and no-bodies looking for the 2-3 year pay day. Good for Messi, Ronaldo and others at the end of their career, no good for players wanting to make a career.
"Real Madrid, Manchester City and Chelsea will likely be banned from this season’s Champions League semi-finals, UEFA executive committee member Jesper Moller told broadcaster DR on Monday."


"It also reveals that the clubs are considering intriguing new ideas, including “technology-enhanced rule implementation” that are not backed by the authorities, although it does not go into details."

So, I think that will be online voting for penalties instead of VAR - X Factor style.

It could be more accurate 🙂

A money winner and Man U getting more penalties... Fulfils all the criteria.
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"It also reveals that the clubs are considering intriguing new ideas, including “technology-enhanced rule implementation” that are not backed by the authorities, although it does not go into details."

I told you.
I think this goes further than wanting to breakaway from the champs league etc.
I think this is wanting new governance.
One final thought f on listening to the Sky coverage
Are they are trying to create an NFL, so the income come from worldwide not just the fans?
One final thought f on listening to the Sky coverage
Are they are trying to create an NFL, so the income come from worldwide not just the fans?

The only way this works is with money from foreign fans via t.v. deals. If it was reliant on domestic tv deals and ticket sales it would fail for sure

"It also reveals that the clubs are considering intriguing new ideas, including “technology-enhanced rule implementation” that are not backed by the authorities, although it does not go into details."

"a strong commitment to the principle of sporting merit"

PSG can't go in - because the Qatari's are so in bed with the World Cup.
Imagine being Tony Bloom (Brighton owner) and similar - the leagues have a duty to the other owners.

Interesting lady on 5Live - expert in football governance - pointed out that the big teams already had their seats at the table via Uefa's ECA (that Agnelli just quit) so they really are throwing their toys right out of the pram.

One friend recently involved in high level prem football was surprised how retro it still was - is it possible they haven't done enough diligence here? It was also pointed out earlier that there are various EU laws, including a specific proviso for footy, that should enforce promotion/relegation.

Hornets nest.

Some media seem a bit confused - basically saying these teams are leaving the prem - of course they don't want to. Again, same bright lady on 5Live pointed out Uefa already has mechanisms if you want to set up your own tournament. The SL12 really have burnt some bridges here.

I wonder if the broadcasters are smiling - penny for Sky, Star, Viasat etc's thoughts!
On the upside @Big Cat if the Premier League do boot the shameless 6 out, at least Toon might have a fair-to-middling chance of finishing in the top half of the table one day. 😄🤪
On the upside @Big Cat if the Premier League do boot the shameless 6 out, at least Toon might have a fair-to-middling chance of finishing in the top half of the table one day. 😄🤪
Settle down now... If the Saudis get in, we could end up going over to the Dark Side
The government could put a stop to this, just introduce legislation that only allows games/competitions affiliated with The FA to take place in England.