Call back evening and exam


New Member
Level 4 Referee
So next week I have my call back evening and exam, having completed the course back in August. Since the course I’ve officiated 12 games, one of which was a cup game as an AR with a level four ref.

Really enjoying it, however a little nervous about the exam. There’s been no info about it whatsoever....

Is it multi choice?
How many questions?
What’s the pass mark?
What if I fail?
Any tips?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A&H International
It was usually multi choice, there's usually a section on offside with graphics.

Main tip: Take your time to read the questions, some will trip you up if you miss a key word.

In Wales it is an open book exam now, you can go into it with the LOTG, but I'm guessing you're in England, so I shall leave the advice to the English based refs. :)
So next week I have my call back evening and exam, having completed the course back in August. Since the course I’ve officiated 12 games, one of which was a cup game as an AR with a level four ref.

Really enjoying it, however a little nervous about the exam. There’s been no info about it whatsoever....

Is it multi choice?
How many questions?
What’s the pass mark?
What if I fail?
Any tips?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Do not be nervous about the exam. I did it a couple of months ago. I read the LOTG a few times and got 100%. Others I don't think had even glanced at the book and still passed.

Multiple choice
I think around 40 questions
I think you need to get around 66%
You won't fail if you read LOTG a few times, especially Fouls and Misconduct
Relax, read the questions

Good luck
Read the LOTG and be prepared. Especially law 12. Do that and all your questions become irrelevant.

Nerves are good. It means you care. But don't let it take over your focus.
I've got mine next week too. The CFA have said that areas to have knowledge on are Law 12, restarts, offside and Penalty kicks.
The impression I've been given is that a reasonable knowledge of the game will see you fine anyway.

This week I plan to read the above in detail and then go through the rest. Hopefully there won't be awkward minute points of Law.