Call back evening


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I've done my 6 games and I've got my call back evening tomorrow night, can anyone tell me what happens at this one and if I need to take anything with me? I emailed the RDO last week but haven't had a reply, I'll chase it up tomorrow but thought someone on here might know.
A&H International
On mine we took a written test on the laws of the game which was multiple guess.

Pretty sure we had some sort of lesson as well but it was a while ago
Mine was on the Wednesday after the course... Saturday & Sunday were the main days, had an exam on the Sunday, then on the Wednesday was our callback evening where we got presented our certificates & badges. Emailed in our 5 games and away we go. Qualified referee.
I had a multiple choice exam, two of the answers were wrong, one was spotted before the exam, the second wrong answer caused a big argument as the exam question hadn't taken in account the new laws at kick off. Then papers got marked and then a general discussion took place. I would use this link to revise. I got it off this forum http://areferee.com/soccer.php
Your RDO has been abroad so won't have had access to his emails.

The format of the callback will be a discussion of your experiences so far and a written exam with a pass mark of 75%. If you fall below this mark, you will have to re-sit the exam before your status as a level 7/8 referee is confirmed.
It was just a discussion of experiences so far, a very interesting and useful session, my games have been relatively incident free but always good to hear how others are getting on and how they've dealt with incidents. I'd already sat and passed the exam back in October so I'm now a level 7 referee :)