Can't help some people!


Politically Incorrect
Game this afternoon in the County Ladies League.

Red v Blue/Yellow.

Red far the better side, 5-0 up at half time.

Away team moaning for every decision, stopping play at various times to wait for the smallest of free kicks, moaning at being hard done to (surprise surprise they were losing heavily and it was my fault), but nothing dissenting.

An hour in and I award away team a penalty which they miss. Although they are still moaning they're getting nothing, despite everything really going 50/50 and away getting the only KMD of the game.

15 minutes later and the ball is hoofed up to blue/yellow striker, she controls and as it bounces up attempts to control with her arm. I award fk to red and she starts mouthing off loudly about how they're getting nothing and apparently I'm having a shocker.

I pull her across for her caution, calm her down and take my time to explain that she can't react like that, and while she's entitled to her opinion, she needs to keep it to herself and respect the decision and play to the whistle. She nods and has become compliant as she walks away.

She then turns around gives the sarcastic clapping, with an added 'that's just brilliant ref, what a load of sh*t'.

Surprised and with yellow still in hand, she collected her second caution and a cherry.
A&H International