
Always smiling
Hi all

I have done mostly youth football last couple of years where the CAR always takes the left backs which I have got used to over time , now doing adults I always ask the CAR to take the left back but most don’t like to change sides at HT and kick a fuss about doing this .
I know this is only a slight change having to take the other diagonal but it’s something that throws me off at times , is it me or do other referees find this easy to adapt to ? or do you insist it’s left backs and that’s it ?
A&H International
I always say left back please. I did have a car ask to do a RB and I agreed. Never again I spent the whole half feeling wrong about my positioning and not concentrating on the game. One of my worst games I felt uncomfortable all the way through.
You can do it either way, but they should be following the same position (both on their LB or both on their RB) for the entire match.

I've only ever done LB's, but it's something I keep meaning to try the other way round, as sometimes the LB line can be unrunnable. I had major problems with an ankle injury last year caused by agreeing to run a line with a large divot in it, but it didn't even occur to me to ask the ref to switch.
There we’re both on the right backs first half but having being used to left backs I found it strange that the little change threw me I much prefer taking left backs it’s just what I’m used to .