Junior/Youth Cards for kids


RefChat Addict
I know that this subject has been discussed on various posts, but I just want to tell you about my recent incident.

I very rarely ref junior matches and only really do it as a favour. My son plays in U12 and on a couple of occassions, when the ref has not appeared or one hasn't been allocated, I have been asked to do it. Similarly, the team that my son used to play for regularly don't get a ref and I have offered to assist there. It is really nice to do it for teams that don't normally see a ref as the boys (and coaches) seem to really appreciate a neutral official.

I have always been of the opinion that as children go up the age groups there are more things that they need to get a grip of and suffer penalties for failing. At U11 I would sometimes let the thrower of a foul throw have another go. Mess it up twice and it went to the other side. At U12, they don't get another go, it passes straight over. Likewise, if a player fouls and it falls into the reckless area I would be more inclined to pull a player to one side and have a word. If it was more serious I may call the coach and look to get the player subbed out.

I know that there are many that think all players, regardless of age, should be subject to the full LOTG, but I do think that we also have a duty to teach and nurture. I also believe that once players reach U13 they should be looking at cards for their tackles.

Last week I was asked to ref my son's game against blues. It was a generally well fought game with both sides trying very hard. I gave a foul against my sons team (reds) and was told by the fouler (bearing in mind this boy is about 11-12) that my call was bullsh@t. I blew the whistle, called him over and gave him a stern talking to regarding his dissent. I looked over at his dad (who was assisting the coach) and indicated to have word at half time. This seemed to work and there were no further incidents from this boy.

In the second half, one red player, who I had earlier warned for a tackle (and who I know likes to arrive a little late) was following a blue attacker. The blue attacker had his ankles clipped by a player from his own side and went down. The play continued away from him but I kept an eye on him. As the red player ran past, he "attempted" to jump over the blue player's legs but stamped on his ankle. To me, it looked like a deliberate act. I blew up and gave a foul to blue. I called across to the red coach to sub this boy out now. I know that I could have sent him off for VC but, based on what I have described above, I was happy for him to be subbed off. There were only about 5-10 minutes left of the game and he could have stayed off for that. Unfortunately, the player wasn't too happy with my decision and, as he walked off, he turned to me and quite loudly said, "You're crap." I blew my whistle, called him back and told him that I wasn't going to put up with his dissent and told him that he was cautioned. As he walked away I called across to the coach that he now had a yellow card (I didn't have any cards or match reports with me).

The boy, his father and the coach came across to me aftewards to apologise and explain to the boy why what he did was wrong. I got a sort of half-arsed apolody from him but I don't really think he gave a toss.
The report went in that night to the CFA.

I accept that had it been adults I may have red carded him for the VC. Similarly, had I chosen not to red card him I could have done so for the OFFINABUS, but hopefully when the fine comes through his father might have something more to say to him.

It has left me feeling that I probably won't offer my services to the reds again, as it did make things a little uncomfortable afterwards.
A&H International
It would be nice if leagues gave us any sort of guidelines for cards to kids, there's so much differentiation in our leagues. Some won't touch the cards at all until U16, but others caution for a bad tackle at U11/12.
I can't say I agree with those who never issue cautions in youth games, but then again I don't think we should be issuing cautions for every offence. As you say Mick, we have a responsibility to educate and nurture, as well as to apply the laws of the game.

As a general rule, I try to avoid bookings at youth level but won't hesitate if a booking or a red is required. I treat all dissent, VC and OFFINABUS as I would in adult football. I do agree with Mike that there perhaps needs to be a more standardised policy when it comes to youth football.
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I think you handled it perfectly. I have contributed my thoughts about this very subject on another thread so wont repeat them, but like you, I feel education if far more valuable than throwing cards about for kids upto u13s. If some smart arse takes the piss out of your good nature and efforts, then deal with him differently and issue cautions for dissent and foul tackles if he wont correct his behaviour after your advice. VC, OFFINABUS, Spitting and handball off the line I deal with as usual, reckless tackles I offer them a chance to correct their play, then use the coach, and then and only then if ive run out of options, I caution. Well done mate; such a shame you now feel that its a tricky situation and that you cant help out your sons team. I reffed my lads team for 3 years; NEVER issued a caution, saved them fortunes on refs fees, often complimented by visiting sides for impartiality and talking to the kids, it was an absolute pleasure.
So you see a player stamp on an opponent and you don't dismiss? Well let's hope he's grown out of it by the time he reaches open age, eh?
I'm inclined to agree Brian, I can probably count on my fingers the amount of cards that I've given out in junior games (U13-16). Almost without exception, the yellows are all dissent, and the reds are all VC.
I agree Brian; as stated in my last post on this subject, VC is VC, always red, end of story. I mis-read the OP about thinking he saw a stamp. Obviously you have to be sure he meant it rather than tried to step aside and did land on him, but yes of course, VC is always completely unacceptable and a dismissal.
Well it was like today. I had two players for trips and one player for dissent, after I gave 2 pens against the away side the keeper and captain said that was not a penalty when quite clearly the keeper pused him over so I had him for dissent. now Mick with the player shouting the bs word to you could of dismissed him for swearing and questioning your integrity and with that second player jumping over his legs from tackle did he intentionally jump on his legs, or did he try to jump over them and go for the next phase of play