The Ref Stop



Level 9 Referee
Sorry if this has been asked previously. Is there a nominated pocket for each card ? . I was thinking back pocket in shorts for Red and top right for Yellow.
The Ref Stop
Wherever you feel they should be, are most comfortable and easily accessed when required.
Just make sure you remember!

I go for yellow shorts left pocket and red in the right rear pocket. Easy to remember that way.


A set of both in my shirt pocket for the quick three card trick.
My fat finers too big for the back pocket so I go back notebook with spares, left Red, right yellow. As I'm a) right handed so blow, and right hand goes down (gives a couple of seconds for people to turn. Also, means i can blow and straight out with the red at the same time.

and for those thinking about the fat fingers and note pad - I write my info on the back of the YC. Masking tape and pen. Needs to be a worthy effort to get the pad out. Plus when you are going to write maybe a verbal warining and put a plyers number down, they don't half sh*t themselve when they see the YC ome out (but not up!)
I had two sets of cards.

Yellow in front left shorts pocket. Red in rear shorts pocket.

Then a red and a yellow in my shirt pocket together.

I have my notebook in the front right shorts pocket

So, if its a yellow I go front left, a straight red is my back pocket and a second yellow I go to my shirt pocket.

I tried a few other combinations, however this works best for me.
I have found it easier to have 2 sets too. Yellow and red in notebook top right chest pocket. Yellow front right pocket and red in back right...with my whistle in right hand too... I'm surprised I don't run around in circles!
Always had it one way,

Yellow in my right shorts pocket
Red in my back shorts pocket
Wallet in my left shorts pocket
Red and yellow in my shirt pocket, for a second yellow and I don't do an Andre Marriner
Just remember which one is where that's the main thing. Third game I ever did resulted in two guys knocking lumps out of each other and I proudly stood there reached into my pocket and produced the yellow, I only realised when all the players turned round in unison shouting "Are you joking ref!!"
Sorry if this has been asked previously. Is there a nominated pocket for each card ? . I was thinking back pocket in shorts for Red and top right for Yellow.
Hi Rob , over the last few years after constant changing I have my red in my front pocket opposite my whistle hand for quick access in case you need to brandish it a bit sharpish after a bad tackle .
I have my notebook in front right, quick yellow in front left, quick red in back right, top right has a yellow and red for 2nd caution. and top left is empty!
Top left....notebook and yellow. Back pocket for red. Dont keep 2 sets on me. Like to keep the red in the back of the shorts just to give me a few extra secs to make sure I know its worth a red.
For me top left pocket red. Left shorts pocket yellow and red for the three card trick. Right pocket a yellow and my note book for score etc. Back right I have a note pad, spare pencil and whistle for just in case moments.

For me how I am set up works for me. But then I've done enough games now it's all second nature. So I say find what works for you and it'll become second nature.
Just a question - why is it a three card trick. You are only getting two out the second yellow and his Red. ...

It may be their second and third but unless you are giving say a tackle dissent and off straight away isn't it two?
Just a question - why is it a three card trick. You are only getting two out the second yellow and his Red. ...

It may be their second and third but unless you are giving say a tackle dissent and off straight away isn't it two?

They are getting three cards in total..........therefore a three card trick
I'm starting to feel a bit silly with only one set of cards, I'm thinking for my next fixture, yellow and red in my top 2 pockets, red and yellow in a back pocket, red in front yellow in front just incase I need another one red in left sock and a double yellow in the right sock. Is that everything covered?
Red in shirt pocket on left side dont know why but its natural from me as a right hander to go there and yellow in front right pocket with note book as you will need them both and there used more