Caution for player already sent off?


New Member
Whats the general consensus?
A player whilst walking off the field of play commits a further offence which you would normally deal with by way of a caution.
The player continues to walk away and you restart play.
Would you calm the player to your room at full time and advise them they were receiving a further caution for the offence or would you advise them they would be further reported for the offence and include it as a match incident report?
I would normally go for the later however the Scottish FA have today said that a player sent off who made a inflammatory gesture to the crowd was cautioned after full time in the referees room.
A&H International
I wouldn't call anyone to my room after the match. Best off for everyone if players stay out of refs' rooms and refs stay out of players' rooms.

Sounds like it'll be a misconduct / extraordinary report.
In England that would be an extraordinary incident on WGS. Certainly wouldn't call the player to see you, but probably sensible to let a club official from his team know so that it doesn't come as a surprise when the charge turns up.
I would normally go for the later however the Scottish FA have today said that a player sent off who made a inflammatory gesture to the crowd was cautioned after full time in the referees room.
Is there an official statement in writing from the Scottish FA saying exactly that and using the term 'cautioned', or is it being reported by someone else, that that's what they said?

Any links to the actual statement?
Maybe its paper talk when they report a player got 4-5 yellows in the same melt down incident!!!
I believe in Australia, every red card needs to be submitted with a detail of the incident, so I daresay if it happened here, it would just be added to the incident, and then probably added as an extra suspension
This is in regards to the Morelos incident in the new year old firm. The questions seem to arise from it taking 3 weeks to come out that it was included in the report, despite both teams having access to the match report. Former SFA referee Derek Crothers has tweeted :F9BC7A52-6467-46BF-A3E3-08CEB29C1C98.jpeg
Apart from his first sentence not making any grammatical sense, he is saying that a player can receive three cautions in the same match (Morelos, the player in question had been sent off for a second yellow). I don't think so.

After a sending off, any further misconduct just gets reported as misconduct. You don't issue a third caution. This player made the "inflammatory gesture" while leaving the field after being dismissed. If what Mr Crothers is saying were true, had the referee spotted the gesture at the time, he could have cautioned Morelos again which, since he was still on the field, would have meant showing a third yellow card. Again, I don't think so.
If he's already been dismissed (as in you've shown the red card and he's on his way), then it would fall under an extraordinary misconduct on top of the red.

The report would go something like: at so and so minute of the game, after being dismissed for a prior offence, the named player did so and so. I was so and so many meters away and had a so and so view of it.

"so and so" obviously being interchangeable with the actual stats and info. Don't actually put that in your report lol.