Changing County Association


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hello all,

Next year I will be starting university and due to only receiving results in late August, I will not know where I will be attending until about the same time that the football season starts in August/September.

My concern lies with re-registering for the football season as a referee - in the past I have always registered before the end of the previous season and I was wondering how registering for the next season would be impacted by the lack of myself knowing where I will be during the next season?

Can I still register as normal and then swap county associations later, or must I choose a county association when I sign up?

Thank you!
A&H International
Can register as normal then just speak to the RDO of the association you'll be going to for uni - it's what I did and I've had no problems so far (just have to keep league secs updated when I'm at home/at uni etc.)
In the process myself at the moment. All you need to do is once you know where u are going let ypur current county know and they should transfer you. Unless you want dual reg in whixh case your county rdo, again, will be able to help you.