Chelsea Game - Player prevents card been shown

Any player that uses enough force to physically stop me from raising a card is leaving the match.
Any ref issueing a YC is letting other refs down..

So you'd of sent off Ivanovic?

That's a pretty strong statement, can't say I agree with it.
A&H International
I don't think mourinho is wrong in the sense that Chelsea have had some poor decisions more than most this season.

In terms of this incident, the player who stops the card coming can join matic in the showers
I have seen the Barnes foul for the first time today, it is a rather strange one for me. Barnes has the ball, over runs slightly, matic comes in, nicks it off him as Barnes is about to play the ball. The slow mo and the still pictures make it look far worse than what it is at full speed. There is clear there is no malaise in the tackle, and it was, for me accidental (Yes i too hate when players say, i didn't mean to do it and this makes no difference). I find it a strange one as it is both careless and dangerous at the same time. Leg breaker, [posisbly... but there is a reason it didn't injure matic, and that is because there wasn't excessive force. Could it be a red card... yes... could it be a yellow... yes. Will there be retrospective... I don't think there will be.... (Now to be proved wrong)
Just my thoughts.
A tackle that endangers the safety of an opponent must be sanctioned as serious foul play. That's what LOTG states.
Where's @Padfoot when you need him?
So you'd of sent off Ivanovic?

That's a pretty strong statement, can't say I agree with it.

Ivanovich? No because I will never referee an EPL match (And, as Michael "nepotism" Oliver has shown this season, VC against a ref isn't even a YC in the EPL).
Joe Bloggs from Dog and Duck however... yes, absolutely.
If you allow players to get physical with you and don't follow it up with an RC what are we saying to players?
Snatching the a card from my hand is a red card all day long and requires much less force than restraining my arm.
That was my first thought Alex... But Barnes overruns the ball and is too slow to recover and hence clashes with matic.
I will respectfully say that's not how I saw it all, plenty of malice for me. No need tl leave his foot there, in my opinion, red all day long.
The beauty of officiating, different angles, different perspective etc. I can see why so many say red, just can also see why it wasn't given.
I see there is no retrospective action, so either the ref or the pannel saw it the same.... or non of them are Chelsea fans!
There was no retrospective action as the referee noted that he saw the incident in his report.

As the referee saw it, that would suggest (to me at least) that he felt it not a foul on Barnes, merely an unfortunately side-effect of Matic's tackle and timing of such.
I agree with Jacko, I see it as similar to waving an imaginary card to get an opponent cautioned. It's not a violent action (so can't be VC) and I don't see it as an offensive, insulting or abusive action so can't be OFFINABUS, can't think what else you could send him for?
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I agree, while putting hands on the ref is a no no, ivanovich hasn't done a lot physically. Caution seems correct.
I agree with Jacko, I see it as similar to waving an imaginary card to get an opponent cautioned. It's not a violent action (so can't be VC) and I don't see it as an offensive, insulting or abusive action so can't be OFFINABUS, can't think what else you could send him for?

Violent conduct is a very generic term for a reason.
You gonna let a player snatch cards from your hand (not particulalry violent) and only issue a caution?
Enjoy the rest of that match
Violent conduct is a very generic term for a reason.
You gonna let a player snatch cards from your hand (not particulalry violent) and only issue a caution?
Enjoy the rest of that match

He didn't actually snatch it out of MAs hand. Had he off done then I'd say OFFINABUS not VC.
I agree with @Jacko ... there looked to be no / little force used - the arm was simply impeded / held ... caution for me

Very different to the player who hit my hand to cause my cards to fall on the floor 2-3 seasons ago - he got 6 games for that
He didn't actually snatch it out of MAs hand. Had he off done then I'd say OFFINABUS not VC.

I am aware of this. The snatch was just an example of a not particularly violent act that would recieve an RC from me.
I'm surprised at how many on here are happy to allow themselves to be manhandled by players.
So watching the incident in the 69th minute of the chelsea game, player tries to stop Atlinson showing a red card. He tries and grabs the red card to which Atkinson says about three times "get off". If this happens in your game what are you doing to te player preventing the card beig shown? By the way Atlinson cautioned the player that tried preventing the card

Been there done that got the abuse for it. Player took my card right out of my hand before i could show it. The surprise when I went to my top pocket and pulled out another! :D