Chilly Tonight (And tomorrow)


RefChat Addict
AR both evenings

4C 'feels like' 0C tonight and 2C 'feels like' -3C tomorrow:eek: is the forecast!

I'm hoping both referees are going to tell me to 'wear what you like to keep warm!';)
A&H International
I don't know whether to own up to this but the only under-top that fits me is dark blue... And I'm genuinely debating it!!Long sleeves for me tonight ;)
Yeah, I'm on a line tonight, definitely going to get the undershirt and (hopefully) gloves out.
I wear a short sleeve Skins top, Skins shorts & Skins calf sleeves under my gear in all weathers. I find when its hot, it helps to keep me cool and when its cold it keeps me warm as the sweat "wicks" off me. Typically only start to get cold when I chill down after the game.

I bought a thermal short sleeved undershirt, wore it once in very cold conditions and felt worse for it as I ended up being too hot. I took it off at half time and put my Skins back on.

Only issue i've ever encountered is my fingers getting too numb to write when its really cold and don't like wearing gloves when refereeing.
Just got back in from my game. Absolutely baltic in Leeds today, and with a windy game and the ball camped at one end for the entire second half my hands and feet are still a tad cold as I write this.

@PinnerPaul if I were you I'd try to find a way to watch from inside
Official FA clarification on being a Southern Softy!! Some of us Northerners haven't even turned the heating on yet!!! :foot:
Christ that was cold. My assistants didn't seem to receive the memo it was a cold day, didn't move and barely used their flags..
I thought 4 degrees was considered balmy up your way? :p
I've always struggled with multiple layers in the middle, just overheat. On the line though? I have no opposition to AR's wearing jackets, even a clear or black raincoat/poncho if weather permits. It does depend a bit on the level and how 'officious' your particular league/level is. In my old area, even local first grade we'd be doing this. Though in the Canberran Winter, sub-zero, we've been known to wear layers, tracksuit and beanies at a bitterly cold youth tournament!!!
On Sunday it was cold for us southern softies, for me 2 compression tops short sleeve shirt and gloves, but the 2 younger refs, kids basicly were in tracksuit bottoms, wearing coats and looked like the michelin man!
Well that wasn't too bad.

3 underlayers, long sleeved shirt, cycle shorts, normal shorts, 2 pairs of socks and fingerless gloves - sorted.

3-2 to home side - very good game.

Tonight's updated forecast is 1C feels like -4C at kick off - might have to add my FA beenie hat to my ensemble tonight!
Back in 2014 I went to New York, it was -9 air temperature and the news said it would feel -19 with the Arctic blast they got, the buildings make it far far worse. That was very cold!!!
Been in -26 in Sweden with no wind, that was bearable!!! I actually did a naked hill roll!!! Try doing that at midnight & p1ssed!! Never felt more happy to jump back in the hot jacuzzi!!!
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Again not too bad with all my layers on!

Didn't need the hat but did put on another pair of socks. Other AR was frozen though - but he foolishly didn't wear gloves like me and the ref.

Sunday afternoon and a balmy 9C forecast next!
Don’t think I’ve ever worn a hat or gloves when on the middle or on the line. Not often I’ll wear an under layer either. Must be tge Scottish blood in me.
Don’t think I’ve ever worn a hat or gloves when on the middle or on the line. Not often I’ll wear an under layer either. Must be tge Scottish blood in me.
Good Lad Ross.... spreading the northern gospel darn sarth!! :cool:
Have worn gloves when really really cold. But I have found that adding an extra base layer usually sorts out the hands etc. I couldnt imagine wearing a hat