CL 26-10

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Well-Known Member
Probably best to do a general thread for what's been quite a busy day for referees.

Spurs - Sporting: clear handball correctly disallowed, and a very late VAR offside call that's probably correct, leading to Conte going for a premature trip to the dressing room. Decent game by Makkelie.

Barca - Bayern: Taylor called to the screen for a mistakenly given PK. Agree with VAR, Lewa initiates the contact and even so, De Ligt plays the ball. Not careless for me. Second caution removed. In general, my feeling is that Taylor has been slightly off this season, feels like he either lets too much go or keeps a very tight leash. His fame management is still easily one of the best in the world

Atletico - Leverkusen: Oh boy. Full time whistle goes, VAR wants a PK. I'm still not sure for whose handball that is, two defenders touch the ball with their arms, however to penalize either is harsh to me. VAR images didn't clarify whose offense they were looking at. However, call of the day for me: Turpin let play continue after the PK was missed. As far as I know, the ball was dead as soon as Hradrecky saves it. A mistake in law?

Marseille - Eintracht: really orange card in min 45 for Veretout. Think VAR not stepping in makes sense and probably good use of the flash card to try and de-escalate.

Anything cath your guys' eyes today?
A&H International
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