Club Marks


New Member
Level 4 Referee
As a level 4 club marks play an important part in potential promotion to level 3, the last two seasons this is what has restricted my promotion, any suggestions or techniques on keeping clubs sweet as I have tried most things and succeeded in none....
A&H International
It's always gonna be difficult to keep both teams happy. In my experience the winning club will 9 times out of 10 give you a high mark, whereas the losing team will mark you lower.

I'm not sure there any techniques to do this, short of bribes :p

Anyone else got any suggestions?
It's hard.. But refs sec's at Supply should be marking you subjectively on your performance and not on that 92nd minnute penalty you awarded ;). But seriously, it's just a matter of you refereeing with a degree of common sense and following the laws (but not being officious with them!).