clueless pundits


RefChat Addict
what planet are these clown in match of the day on, the guy clearly looks at the ball punches the ball, erm thats a penalty chaps
A&H International
Yes, the man whose livelihood depends on football saw the ball and decided to punch it...... in the penalty box......
OR what actually happened: he had his back to the ball, it hit his heel and as he spun round his hand has hit the ball.
Could not have been more accidental.
EPL referees are at least consistent with their "FK everytime it touches a player's hand" policy though
Definite penalty.
The pundits and Foxes fans can moan all they like, I think it was a brilliant spot by Bobby Madely. The Leicester defender knew exactly what he was doing. Good to see cheating not prospering. :)
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Given the lack of agreement on this incident on here (and other refs forums) it just goes to show that it's a great example of damned if you do / damned if you don't. AND that the introduction of video technology for things like dubious penalty / no penalty is an unhelpful waste of time IMO.

Of course, as a Spurs fan who was at the game, it was OBVIOUSLY a penalty :). And made all the sweeter by the fact that the Foxes fans had been winding us up mercilessly for 15 minutes about a previous handball penalty shout that was turned down!!
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The Leicester defender knew exactly what he was doing. Good to see cheating not prospering. :)

So you actually think, the player has made a conscious decision to handle the ball to stop the progress of an attacker who was going absolutely nowhere?
Just pause for a moment and think about it.
So you actually think, the player has made a conscious decision to handle the ball to stop the progress of an attacker who was going absolutely nowhere?
Just pause for a moment and think about it.

Why not? Happens all the time.
Going absolutely nowhere you say? It was in the penalty box mate, and the Spurs player was going past him. If that's "nowhere" to you then fair enough....
As for the incident. Yep. Seen it half a dozen times and in my opinion, the defender (cleverly) tries to "flail" his arm at the ball, almost flicking it away with his left hand in an attempt to make it look like a natural movement, but he knew exactly what he was doing. Whether or not the ref gave the handball decision, the replay clearly shows the defender's arm moving up in an attempt to either handle the ball or to block the Spurs player's path towards goal. Deserves all he gets. :cool:
I think it was a penalty, as I've said, but can see why you may not give it.

The thing I'm most bemused by is the description of the incident as a "blunder" etc. on Madley's part. It's a very tight call, with convincing arguments from both sides. The way some people have been talking you'd think it's a clear cut call to make.
I think it was a penalty, as I've said, but can see why you may not give it.

The thing I'm most bemused by is the description of the incident as a "blunder" etc. on Madley's part. It's a very tight call, with convincing arguments from both sides. The way some people have been talking you'd think it's a clear cut call to make.
it was clear handball
it was clear handball

Sure was. Hand to ball. Simple as. The only time it's not handball (certainly within the penalty area) is when the ball it kicked onto your hand. It's really that simple 99.9% of the time. :)
it worries me if the people who are saying it was not deliberate are actually referees. blimey

Please help me to be a better referee by pointing out the EXACT page where it declares this offence is 100% a handball.
Or are you just putting your own interpretation on the laws and struggling to accept others may not hold your experiences?
Handballs (like throw in technique) are incredibly loosely defined in the laws, so please don't treat me like I've just said the 18 yard box must be 20 yards!
Sure was. Hand to ball. Simple as. The only time it's not handball (certainly within the penalty area) is when the ball it kicked onto your hand. It's really that simple 99.9% of the time. :)

Page of LOTG please.
Page of LOTG please.

Just my opinion mate.
It was hand to ball. Once you establish that fact, which the footage clearly shows, it's just a case of deciding whether or not you consider it to have been deliberate. I do, and so did Mr Madeley. :)
wow,i can see WHY people, like @deusex , say it isn't a penalty as it does seem a little harsh ... but his arms are not at a natural position and he has changed the direction of the ball - you could argue that he has tried to hold back the Tottenham attacker which has made him handle the ball

IMO - Penalty
The problem in law is the word "deliberate"

Without being able to read someone else's mind it is "ref thinks it is deliberate"

And refs, as this forum will attest to, have all sorts of opinions. On pretty much everything. :)
wow,i can see WHY people, like @deusex , say it isn't a penalty as it does seem a little harsh ... but his arms are not at a natural position and he has changed the direction of the ball - you could argue that he has tried to hold back the Tottenham attacker which has made him handle the ball

IMO - Penalty
I think that's exactly what happened. I think the arm has come across to block the attacker and once he's touched the ball he's panicked and kind of flicked it away in an attempt to get it off him.
I remember doing the exact same thing myself once. In my attempt to not handle the ball I handled the ball even more :s
A pound to a penny the pundits would have been claiming Madeley got it wrong if he hadn't given a penalty!! :rolleyes: The tv footage is pretty conclusive I think. Put it this way, if the match had finished 2-1 to Leicester and I was a Spurs fan, I'd be incensed after seeing the replays of that incident. ;) :cool: