Communication Advise.


New Member
One area I would like to improve is my communication with players. I am a young referee, however my main problem is that I am not much of a talker. Before the game I normally chat to the players, sometimes have a bit of a joke. I am not a timid person (after all I am doing an acting degree) I just have a tendency of ignoring players if they try and talk in mid-game and when I do talk, I get told I talk to much...

I was wondering what one liners people use? Or if anyone had any advice on communication with players?
A&H International
try just get general bits out there sometimes, if its cold and wet mention it to a few players whilst your waiting for a goal kick to be taken or if the weekend games saw something big like a bottom club beat a top club in prem or something then just mention it to them, ask what they think. just let them know you are human but only in nice games, if there has been many yellows or a mass brawl or something then its best just to keep quiet until after the game.
Same advice as Arran really, talk about whatever you would talk to them about off the pitch. If somebody scored a particularly good goal, let them know, likewise if they missed a sitter! (Be careful to judge the mood!) Whenever I have a game on a Sunday, you can guarantee that I will have asked at least 1 player if they are having Sunday lunch, it shocks a player and gets them on side.

Another good one is saying something like 'nice try' if a player goes down a bit too easily etc.

It all comes with experience :)
I don't really use one-liners or anything canned. If a player makes a nice play, I like to tell him; if he does something I don't like, I'll employ either a quick word on the run-by, a quiet word during a stoppage, a very public rebuking during a stoppage or I'll resort to misconduct cards.
Talking to players is just something that comes with experience. Ignoring them at times can be the best thing to do as getting too involved can at times open up a conversation you really don't want.

But start with simples things such as when two players are going in for a 50/50 or up for a header, say things like 'easy fellas' 'nothing silly' etc, let the players know you are there. I personally talk a lot during a match as I'm only around 5'8 and 21 years old so a baby to most players. Now the strict teacher approach really donesn't work for me due to the fact so I try and talk to the players how I'd talk to them off the pitch. I had an incident on Saturday in which two players had a bit of handbags, so I pulled them both over and ended up telling them to 'grow the f*ck up'. Now I'm not saying always swear at players but sometimes it can actually be a better option if you know when is appropriate to do it...... Although only in open age!