Completed my course last night, so my application to become a level 7 has gone in!

Dave Mac

Really pleased.

At the workshop we had last night only 3 of the 23 of us there were over 18 and I was pretty stunned by the level of flack these youngster refs get. I think perhaps I've been lucky in my 10 games. But 4 people had incidents of their linesman walking off mid way through a game, at least 10 had been abused alot by spectors or managers. I'm not sure if its how I handle games, or the fact I'm 27 so not a kid. But I've never had any incidents during a game that have come close to that.

Without blowing my own trumpet I tend to give most decisions with a decent degree of confidence even if I'm not sure, I just stick to my guns like it was the most obvious decision. Plus with spectors I think I do afairly decent job of knowing those I should just ignore and will shut up, and those you can have a cheeky word with as your jogging past etc.

But I can see why so many young refs give up hearing these stories of managers giving them a mouthful at full time or the linesman. The worst I had was an assistant manager refusing to shake my hand at the end of a game and that made me feel pretty rubbish so lord knows how getting so much verbal must be like!
A&H International
I ref'ed a preseason friendly for my local team and overruled my assistant to which he threw down the flag and stormed off.... he did come back though and he has a history of doing it in competitive matches!!
A friend of mines daughter has recently taken up the whistle and unfortunately has some horror stories. The level of verbal abuse she's received is shocking!

Nice 1 for getting your L7 application in :)