Connahs quay Europa cup handball claim

A&H International
We used the same barber when he was at Manchester City.
Never a handball.
But some refs give them which is why some managers think they should be given
Not handball for me. Arm is in an expected position and hasn't been placed to enlarge the player's presence/opportunity to block the ball.

Wouldn't expect anything less from Mr Morrison, such a lovely gentleman when around a football pitch. :facepalm: :shifty:
Given he's moving for the ball and the arm is out in front of the body, you could make the argument the he has a responsibility to minimise the chance of handling (ie could question his arm position). So I'm in the camp of DHB but I can accept either decision
Having refereed in France now for almost 10 years, I would be criticised if I had not given that.
In England I may not give it.
How the laws are interpreted in different countries is very interesting.
Interesting. I had an incident on Saturday where a defender made a fair challenge for the ball in his own penalty area stopping a sure goal. Having won the ball he lost his footing a little as he went to turn and make the clearance and put his hands on the grass, the ball then hit both hands (that might be a difficult one to visualise - it was spectacularly unlikely! No way deliberate). In France would that be seen as a definite handball?
Sounds as if that is totally accidental and his hands would have been in a natural position (stability) so no, but the claims would have been pretty vociferous!
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Interesting. I had an incident on Saturday where a defender made a fair challenge for the ball in his own penalty area stopping a sure goal. Having won the ball he lost his footing a little as he went to turn and make the clearance and put his hands on the grass, the ball then hit both hands (that might be a difficult one to visualise - it was spectacularly unlikely! No way deliberate). In France would that be seen as a definite handball?
There is no way something like that is deliberate. Is there any possible way it could have been avoided? There's the answer.
Not deliberate handling. The ball hit the player on the hand. Not a clue where the ball was and he fully expected it to go across him not back towards him.
What it again highlights is the real need to sort out DHB. At half way it might be given as a cop out and not a word about it. As it is a penalty it can be a massive decision.
David Elleray, IFAB has suggested that it is looking at how handballs are interpreted in general. We currently have that yet that does not solve the challenge. Some talk of penalty goal for handballs on the line?
I think we have to look at the outcome of each situation. In this case the ball to hand has advantaged the defending team. Maybe make such contact an indirect free kick except in the goal area when it becomes a penalty kick.
I believe last season I saw I think maybe two really deliberate handling where the players knowingly raised their hands to play the ball. The rest were balls hitting players and then an interpretation of arm position such a natural position, helping to charge down, making therm bigger etc. Every single one had howls of handball yet most were not.