Open Age Couple of questions to ponder ...

Russell Jones

RefChat Addict
Folks, two incidents in my match today that gave me pause for thought and on which I'd welcome your advice.

Firstly, free kick to Greens, deep in their own half but with the possibility of getting it upfield quicky for a counter attack. Blue attacker deliberately curves and dramatically slows his run back to block the possibility of a quick free kick. I warn him but he makes no effort to get out of the way. When I caution him for delaying the restart his defence was 'the ball was still rolling so they couldn't have taken it anyway'. I hadn't seen that (as I was focussing on him) and gave him his yellow .. but made me think, can you actually delay the restart if the restart would be invalid .. I'm guessing not?

Secondly, green attacker and blue midfielder exchanging verbals within my earshot. Parting shot from Green was 'Just shut up baldy'. No particular offence was taken to the remark (by the Blue player or by me) and so just a quiet word with Green to be careful with his language but made me wonder where to draw the line on specific personal comments that are not racist, exist or homphobic? What do you reckon??
A&H International
player has a valid point about rolling ball

as for 'baldy' comment, how long is a piece of string.....or a piece of comb-over for that matter
Firstly, if it's the first time in the game you could manage it, tell him your not having it and tell both captains you don't want both teams doing that and you will caution, that way if the caution does come they've been warned and the caution is sold. As in reality, what is the liklihood of a good attack from a FK deep inside their own half.

Second one, it's a nothing comment. But like with everything you have to judge it how you see it. If you see them about to lose their heads, get in call the captains, have a public word then when the caution comes they've made the decision for you and you've given them the choice if they want to go in the book or not.
Second one, it's a nothing comment. But like with everything you have to judge it how you see it. If you see them about to lose their heads, get in call the captains, have a public word then when the caution comes they've made the decision for you and you've given them the choice if they want to go in the book or not.

if 'baldy' goes off on one a shout from you of 'keep your hair on' should prevent the situation from escalating further
Correct about the rolling ball,it must be dead before they can take the kick i would have said to the blue attacker "ten yards please blue" and then i would say "Green, ball must be dead before you take" If at that point the blue had the opportunity to retreat 10 yards and hadn't and the ball was dead i would then caution the blue player. The possibility of a quick free kick wasn't going to happen as the ball was rolling.

I would have said to green "No comments like that please" If blue kicked off i would say "Ok blue i've had a word so you be careful too"
1st incident, whoops! Can't delay a restart if all the requirements for the restart are not in place.

2nd incident, let it go. I wouldn't even mention it it the player. I suggest you try The FA's online diversity training which gives information about discrimination. It will help you better understand what sort of comments, in relation to a person's appearance, should be regarded as offensive.
Thanks for all your thoughts folks, glad I didn't over react to the second incident and will be more vigilant on the first. Personally I reckon he was just trying to 'muddy the water' but the fact I wasn't 100% sure myself is the area I'll need to improve in future