Cup finals.....

A&H International
Arran, this one was totally unexpected as i havent reffed on this league since end of jan!! should be good as Mick Denton is in the middle
Didnt get one this year but I watched one last night, which was good as I dont often get to watch other referees, missed a few things but seemed good anyway. He sent a lad of for "throwing" a punch, what kind of idiot does that in a cup final!
I got under 14's consolation cup final asst ref. 2nd season.
Not done a huge amount of games this season so pleased with my appointment.
Will be doing a lot games next season hopefully so if I get a cup final middle next year will be v happy.
If anyone has any contacts for league securities for maidstone or surrounding areas I would be most grateful.
Nice appointment Dave

Have you spoken to your RDO in Kent about leagues in the area, failing that, have a look on your CFA website, you should be able to find some leagues on there
Cheers Ross. Just found 4 email address for KCFA leagues. Don't know if I'm punching above my weight but I explained I am a level 7 etc etc. just weight and see know.
Don't wanna sign up to 2 many as I may be letting leagues down when it comes to them giving out appointments etc.
Personallly I try to stick to one league, but due to the pool of referees I've found myself operating on a different league.
Some how or other (god knows how) I have Senior Girls Development Cup (aka County Cup) final this coming Saturday, on the line for that one, the weekend after I have U16 Girls League Cup Final in the middle and I've just come back from the boys league cup finals meeting having found out that I have the U15 middle (this one is at the MK Dons stadium). To be honest I'm still in a state of shock, I would have been very happy just getting appointed to one final, to get three is beyond my wildest dreams. I guess I might have to think about hanging up the boots because I'm sure it can only go downhill from here......
Massive congrats graham. I was v happy with a line on semi final. I just came back from line in cup final. What a game that was. And the trophy I got speaks for itself. Pleased with my performance. Don't think I missed anything and my flagging I felt was good.
Hope everyone's finals went well

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How did yours go Graham? That's a nice trophy Dave, one of many I'm sure.
Always nice coming off a game happy! :)