Development Points


New Member
Just a thought.

Please post Development points or advice that you have been given. Maybe this will help out our newer referees.

Here's a starter. A Supply League assessment. Please don't include any names or teams so that a referee can be identified if it isn't your assessment.

Communication – You had reason to caution two players during the game, H8 on 43 minutes for dissent and A3 two minutes later for a reckless challenge. On both occasions you isolated the players but then I felt that it was a bit rushed, the card on both occasions being raised when the player had his back to you. Use four steps when cautioning. Isolate the player, tell him why he is being cautioned, warn him as to his future conduct and finally show the card to his front.

We spoke in the de brief about unnecessary whistling to restart the game. Page 82 of LotG states that a whistle that is used too frequently will have less impact when it is needed. You whistled to have defensive/midfield free kicks taken in the 4th, 25th, 31st, 37th, 46th, and 80th minute and also blew for a throw in to be taken in the 72nd minute.

Alertness/Awareness In the last few minutes, the away side seemed happy with a point and A1 and A7 began to waste time. In the 89th minute, the ball went out in the changing room corner of the FOP. You had already got back to your position for the goal kick and were not aware that A7 had gone to get the ball. When he had got it, he kicked it a few yards away from him towards A1 who then had to come out of his goal area to retrieve it. Similarly, in the 93rd minute, A7 threw the ball to A1 who didn’t catch it and let it roll away from him, again wasting more time. Try to be aware of time wasting antics.
A&H International
Another supply League assessment

Alertness/ Awareness – As I explained in the de brief, I didn’t feel that the amount of added time at the end of the first half was sufficient. There was an injury to A5 in the 39th minute which lasted for well over a minute. Following the award of the penalty on 41 minutes, A8 was down for some time requiring assessment of his injury. The penalty was scored on 44 minutes. I would therefore have expected at the very minimum a total of three minutes added time. You added on 1 minute 16 seconds. This I felt was insufficient. My advice would be to wear two watches, keeping one going and stopping the other one when you feel it necessary.

Communication – As explained in the de brief, when indicating an indirect free kick, try to get your arm vertically up in the air. On 10, 20, 24 and 76 minutes your arm was not straight up in the air and this looked rather sloppy
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