Junior/Youth Did I do the right thing?

Will Triffitt

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Last week had trouble with a coach, yesterday a parent!!! Yesterday I was reffing U11 league cup semi-final (Blue vs Red). I expected it to be a good game because blue had one their league and only lost once or twice all season. Red hadn't had a bad season either. Had two parents as linesman. I had reffed the blue team most of the season because in our county, from U14 and below, clubs are assigned refs to do as many of their home teams games as possible. Linesman from the away team (red) was arguing every decision I made in the first half. I tried to ignore it and at half time I acknowledged that I had not had a brilliant half but knew that I was OK and tried to change it for the next 30 mins. Also I thought about dismissing the linesman because he wasn't great and arguing after every decision but they asked to change so I gladly said yes!!! He watched the second half and argued about everything. With 15 mins to go I gave a foul for the Blue team, he shouted again and did the sarcastic cheer as if I hadn't given anything all game (I think there had been 10 fks and a pen by that point). I went over to him and said 'Be quiet or go away! You've argued after every decision and I have had enough! Be quiet or go!'. It's fair to say that I didn't here a single word from him for the rest of the game but could I have managed it better? Should he have gone? (there was no bad lang. from him). If it happens again what should I do next time?
A&H International
some people may argue on this case, as its a 'opinion' based attitude ...

me personally, id have done the same as what you did. if no threats or bad language was used then it doesn't warrant being sent away, unless he were to continue after the warning.

possibly, you could have asked the manager to have a word?
Apparently the home coach did. To be honest, I wasn't sure which side he was on. Assumed he was away because had never seen him before but then cheered when gave freekick to the home team. Home manager did speak to him apparently
always go to home manager mate ... it is his responsibility to then talk to away manager who in turn will talk to parent ..

but well done!
Ok. Thanks :) I'm aware as go up through the leagues and ages that this will become more common, better to know how to manage it sooner rather than later!!
totally agree ... the luxury of Sunday OA football, spectators usually get a 'oh just **** off, you're giving me a headache' - unless I'm being assessed lol
Nip it in the bud early! Have a word, remind him of his responsibilities and point out that he should adhere to the Respect Code of Conduct.
If he carries on, remove him from running then line. At that level, is he really helping you?

If he then carries on, speak to the team manager to have him removed.

These parents should be setting the example, not being the example.

If there is a problem, do not ignore it. Because you did so, that is why he got louder and louder and continued with his petulance. Deal with it straight away and put a clear message out there that you are in charge and have full control of the game.

Then after the game, torch his car :)*

* Obviously do not torch the car. This note hopefully exemplifies that the above statement is in fact a JOKE
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Then hope no one important reads this thread and reports you... especially those of you who post under your real name...

If this was a manager/spectator/player talking about a referee I can imagine the uproar on this and other forums...
@Brian Hamilton

I think it's pretty obvious that was a lighthearted joke, don't you? :)
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what's he going to get reported for? not torching his car? he's getting reported for not following through with a threat? :rolleyes:

just be sure guys to actually torch the car if you're thinking about coming on here and 'joking' about doing it ... we don't want any empty threats, we only like refs that walk the walk, not just talk it :p:D
I referee in Dorset. Picture is Bradford as that is who I support. Was born in London moved around the place (never lived in Bradford) but all of my dads family lived there so I just followed on supporting them. Anyway, why is that relevant?!
I live in Bradford, and am looking at starting a 'training' group so was going to invite you.

Never mind