Junior/Youth Dismissing the linesman

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
During today's game i had a club linesman who was abusing me quite alot throughout the game now finally, this linesman flags for an offside but because this game is intense im concentrating on play so when he shouts i now look over and see the flag so i give the offside now because then he giving me more abuse so ive finally had enough and go over to try and manage linesman but because of my confidence issues i sometimes mumble well this linesman decides to take the mic and copy me so in the end because i see i can no longer mange him i relive him of his duties and have the manager run the line.

Now at full time because of all the grief i ask the home team manager to bring the match form into the safety of the changing rooms and as im walking to changing rooms this linesman is following me there no his saying if i go anywhere near the path which leads to changing room he gonna hit me in the head and as i get to the changing room door he then says if you was over here i would show you what time it is.

so any advice on how to handle this for the future would be gratefull
A&H International

First of all I would be writing a misconduct report to your CFA regarding the CAR, there is absolutely no place in the game for abuse like that especially at a youth/junior game.

Have you joined your local RA as they may be able to give you some pointer on how to manage situations after viewing one of your games.

You know the LOTG and body language has a big part to play in communicating this. you could feel as small as a mouse on the inside but as long as your actions are strong and clear no one will know the difference.
Good on you. As I said 80% of communication is based on body language so just work it from there.

I personally don't like confrontation so I try to nip it in the bud early on using the staged approach. I generally don't have many issues after the first warning.
What a coward. Did he return your flag in one piece?! Sounds like you managed it about as well as could be expected, people like them are in the minority.
EDIT: How long have you been refereeing? I find that with time it does wonders for confidence.
It my 3rd season now most of time when I don't have to much confrontation I'm happy it soon as confrontation hits me it's when my confidence disappears
Not good

Dave87's suggestion is the one that i would go with

what might i do

the first time he gave me grief, perhaps good eye contact and a finger to my lips. Second time, stop play at the next ball out of play, or straight away, and have a word with the appropriate team manager, who has a responsibility for the behaviour of his team's spectators. Explain what i'm unhappy about, ask him to remind his nominated asst ref that he is there to assist and not insist and that whatever his feelings are about my refereeing, he should keep them to himself... kind of thing

Then, if it happens a third time, tell the team manager that you are removing him as assistant referee and that you'll be reporting the asst ref to the f.a. Ask him to nominate another assistant referee. Take your time briefing the new assistant referee. try to keep the other team's manager in the loop.

i may vary my approach dependant on the time that the incident/s occur during the match

What do you do for your pre-match briefing? what do you say? How long does it usually take you?

perhaps try to deal with your confidence issues to a degree. maybe r.a. or f.a. could provide some help, role play perhaps, however daft that may sound :)

tiny steps....
I just tell them what I want which is in the case I ask for throw ins corners goal kicks in line with left back/last defender and offsides and usually if they are friendly bunch I give them my name but ok thanks for this haywain
tiny step

always give them your first name

As they come together for the pre-match, you should know both of their first names - cos you've asked the managers 'who is doing the asst reffing'

give them a nice, friendly smile, make good eye-contact with both of them then introduce them

'Chris this is Rob, Rob, Chris' - they'll probably either shake hands or nod or smile or do nothing . (i once introduced two former schoolfriends who hadn't seen each other for 20 years - very touching)

'I'm Craig' ................etc. etc. etc.

one more tip, don't call them all Chris and Rob :)