Dissent - Spectators


Level 9 Referee
I reffed my customary under 10's fixture which my lad plays for this morning. To cut a long story short a parent accused me of talking down to his son over dissent he was showing towards me and a particular decision. I had a stern word with the player and his attitude towards me and it was done and dusted in seconds but his parent made a big issue over it and told me in no uncertain terms the way I spoke to him in his eyes was unacceptable , I didn't speak to the kid in an way that anyone would say was inappropriate or aggressive etc. Anyone experienced the same at that level and how did you deal with it ?
A&H International
Just ignore it. Parents often have selective blindness when their own 'angels' are involved, as long as you feel the way you spoke to him was appropriate, don't worry.

Try not to engage with parents, ignore them and ask the coach to speak to them initially, then have the offender removed by the coach if necessary.
Imagine what you experienced, but in OA football. Oh yes I have had that happen.

+1 what mathew said about ignoring it, or if it gets on your nerves speak to the team manager and ask his assurance.
Had a U16s parent at the beginning of the season go nuts (and I mean crazy nuts!) at me for putting my finger to my lips towards her son who was getting very lippy. Funnily enough in the end he got himself a caution, and his coach hauled him off just as he saw him about to say something else after a close offside decision...
Cheers guys , I know I made a mistake in engaging with the parent and explaining my brief chat with his son when I should of spoke to the coach about the parents conduct towards me. My teams coach shut the parent up by sending him to stand with the other parents behind the respect barrier where he should of been in the first place