
A&H International
Only if you stop play to issue a caution. Then it's an indirect FK from where the offence occurred to the opposition.
So if I blow for an attacker offside and his centre half team mate calls me a useless so and so ( without using abusive language ) I can award an IDFK to the opposition say just outside his box where the centre half was stood ?
So if I blow for an attacker offside and his centre half team mate calls me a useless so and so ( without using abusive language ) I can award an IDFK to the opposition say just outside his box where the centre half was stood ?

No because play has already stopped.
A "mistake" I occasionally make is to take um-bridge at a comment and blow instantly for dissent. Really I should wait for a break in play if the opposition are in an advantageous position. It is at its most effective if the same team are attacking and a defender says something as then attack turns into defence and the players team mates give him a hard time too.
Its funny how few players know this. The looks of bewilderment I've had when play has moved 60 yards cos of a mouthy centre half
Its funny how few players know this. The looks of bewilderment I've had when play has moved 60 yards cos of a mouthy centre half

football was never designed to include moving the play 60 yards because of some mouthy centre half, imho