Does anyone coach or manage a team?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
I'm debating about going over to the dark side and do my coaching badges. I've been offered the chance to have them paid for by a local club and quite interested. I was just wondering if anyone on here done any coaching or managing at all? Any age or level.
A&H International
Yes Dave I coached u10s and 11s for 2 years after my playing carrer ended at 38 and reffing started at 40 ............rewarding but its hard work and when your running the team it consumes so much of your time and also spent most games reffin or running the line anyway !!!! And FOR FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
If you can turn up and know how to sign your name, then level one coaching is yours for the taking

If the club will pay for your level 2, then bite their hand off
I've coached teams for the past 4 seasons, last season I did Saturday and Sunday and tried to squeeze some refereeing in as well.....I was knackered by a Sunday evening.

At present I'm running an Under 13 team on Saturdays........takes up quite a bit of time but is rewarding when they play good football

I then referee on Sundays
I refereed my first surrey league game on sunday, epsom and ewell league. They were u13's, too, but obviously not your crew, nimble :rolleyes:
I'm debating about going over to the dark side and do my coaching badges. I've been offered the chance to have them paid for by a local club and quite interested. I was just wondering if anyone on here done any coaching or managing at all? Any age or level.
@Dave Mac We ARE the dark side. They (the coaches) are the ones trying to develop well rounded individuals who exercise a lot, enjoy sport and respect their opponents, while we just spoil the game ;)

Honestly though I spend my weekdays trying to manage a sizeable workforce and at weekends, it's just about managing me. I admire coaches who try to do things right, but couldn't imagine ever wanting to do it myself.
I got in to this whole refereeing lark because of coaching. My son started football at 5, and the club were asking for help so took my L1. Found I enjoyed refereeing their mini-soccer games more than coaching, so took my refereeing badge. Now don't coach that much, but you can guess who our CAR normally is, and the number of times I've had to step in to the middle when the other team haven't had a referee allocated and haven't bothered ringing around to get one.
Yes I coach and ref 2 u12 teams with the help of others. As folk have said it can be very time consuming and will test your man management skills to the limits (well, parents management skills!!) The FA youth Modules were good courses after level 1 and i've just somehow got through Level 2 which I would recommend for technical aspects but it is quite a commitment.
If it's kids footy and you don't focus too much on winning but instead on development then it can be really enjoyable.
I managed an adult team for a few years and then moved to the dark side. I got pissed off with chasing and running round after folk. Now I just need to rely on myself. The more rewards come from coaching though, no doubt
I've been offered a chance to help out with a girls team and depending on how good they do, they'd support as many coaching courses as I want to do. I've met the bunch of girls a few weeks back to ref and they are great. They've only started this season so not great, but a real sweet bunch. I'm tempted, but might do a bit of digging into exactly how much time will be taken up as not sure the missus would approve! Haha.