
RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Today I did my 1st middle for ages. My calfs muscles were struggling from yesterday's game and a lot of fitness training recently.

The ball got lofted forward and the home team were winning comfortably. The home team were attacking and I was in the attacking half trying to make ground up. The defender brings down the attacker in the box. The foul was on RH side of the box. A clear GSO and prob the last man. II blow for a foul. I had the usual congratulations from the away team.

Then to my surprise the defender who fouled the player came and found me and said "is it a red ref". The tempo of the game was good. I could count on one hand how many fouls I gave during the game and none came close to a YC. I gave her a stern talking to and even admitted he could have got the player before the ball.

The pen was scored. This was about 6/7min to the final whistle. I never heard a thing out of the same player before the foul or after it. None of the players were protesting I didn't issue a RC.

I believe I man managed it well. One of the home team players said to be after the game I did well not to issue cards during the game. I took that as a compliment as I man-managed the game in my way.
A&H International
Law 18 applied brilliantly. However, if you were being assessed, you'd have to issue card. If clear DOGSO, then red. If able to justify & sell that not blatant DOGSO, then yellow. But seems you man-managed very well
That's a fair point. I need to change my game and issue the cards more and stop being lenient. Had another similar situation twice today. Could have easily RC for DOGSO. The teams were U14. I ended up given strong words to the 1st player and a YC to the second.

Next yr I will be assessed most of my games so need to change and issue the cards more and stop giving out bollockings!!
Had an assessor been there, you'd have probably been crucified! Law 18 used well, just don't get into the habit of doing it as they'll think they'll get away with it week in, week out
just been reading this and was interested as im the same im fairly lenient but if its a clumsy foul would you still give a card out if its last man etc.? and there isn't a law 18 just reading through before tomorrows game???
its great to use man management but don't use too much of it. the cards are there to help, what happens if the other team goes up the other end and does the same thing?
i was told by my assessor use it for possible cautions but never for a red card offence.
its great to use man management but don't use too much of it. the cards are there to help, what happens if the other team goes up the other end and does the same thing?
i was told by my assessor use it for possible cautions but never for a red card offence.

so your assessor is saying once a red always a red, if its a yellow you can mellow and issue a bollocking.
so your assessor is saying once a red always a red, if its a yellow you can mellow and issue a bollocking.
basically yes, thats come from 3 assessors, 2 guys from CFA and many local ref's.
A red card offence is a red card offence, regardless of situation.
The ONLY time that differs is young football (12s & down).