Double Advantage


I'll take a tough game over an easy game any day!!
Level 4 Referee
Just before I get onto the main thing, bit of background info. U13s Cup Game. Before the game, the Away Manager comes over to me before I get a chance to go over to him. He says "good luck ref, but dont be biased. We come round these parts and have a lot of biased referees because of the colours of our strips(black and white representing newcastle in a sunderland area)" i tell him im here to referee a game, not admire strip colours etc.

Anyway 2 minutes to go untill full time of normal time, away manager been pretty good, few shouts here and there nothing major, few yellows with it being a very competitive game and with 2 minutes left of normal time, theres a foul on the edge of the penalty area (just outside) screams from the home team for a free kick, player manages to still play the ball forward to a team mate (i scream for advantage) he gets a very bad tackle from behind and goes down in the penalty area, but somehow he manages to score so i scream advantage again. The whole place hoes up, home team buzzing, then all i see is the away manager storm onto the field at ME. Screaming that it should be a penalty and not a goal. I explain that i played a double advantage and ask him to leave the facility (ive binned him at this point) hes screaming that a double advantage is made up it cant happen, some of the other coaching staff drag him off at this point. But he continues ... calling me a "fuc*#@$/ cheat and asks if im old enough to ref) ... so he eventually leaves the facility and a more calm assistant coach asks me to explain my decision i say "look, ive played an advantage, during that advantage one of your defenders wipe out the attacker, who scores" thats the end of that, i go back and caution the defender for the second tackle

All in a days work :)
A&H International
Very good refereeing. You have not done anything wrong here. Correct goal.
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Thanks guys and tell me about it Callum, youth coaches are probably worse than Adult coaches in some cases!!
I think if one day, a coach comes at me and say "it should be a penalty, not a goal !!" I'll seriously just openly laugh at him, I mean how could you not be ashamed to say that, and in front of kids !!
To be honest, looking back at it now ... I don't k ow how I didn't laugh I mean if I have the penalty, red card would have to be shown...
Let's hope the coach enjoys the misconduct report and subsequent fine and ban.

Great work with the double advantage.
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Let's hope the coach enjoys the misconduct report and subsequent fine and ban.

Great work with the double advantage.

Surely there is no such thing as a double advantage...it was two seperate advantages
This just sums youth coaches up for me. Totally ignorant when it comes to the LOTG; hope he enjoys his misconduct report and subsequent ban.

Well done on what sounds like a fantastic bit of refereeing.
@haywain you old stick in the mud - why can't he bask in the glory of his double advantage!

There is no such thing of course, but God damn does it sound cool! And it led to a goal? YAHTZEE!
"Yes gaffer, that's the Advantage El grande, as written in page 28 of the LOTG"

Don't let on that you're joking, be deadly serious. Look at the confusion on the poor blokes face. Bask in your glory, for today you have won.
To be honest, looking back at it now ... I don't k ow how I didn't laugh I mean if I have the penalty, red card would have to be shown...

Bet if it wasn't got in, he'd say that "you played the advantage right and oh, too bad, they blow it, you can't go back to penalty !"
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"Yes gaffer, that's the Advantage El grande, as written in page 28 of the LOTG"

Don't let on that you're joking, be deadly serious. Look at the confusion on the poor blokes face. Bask in your glory, for today you have won.

I was serious at the time mate, just looking back